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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. New addition to the list, aron and mimikyu
  2. Hi, iam looking for shiny smeargle speed nature, iam from silver server, willing to transfer to gold to buy one or will pay 1cc if seller come to silver. Please contact me by discord or post here if u have offer and want to discuss price. Thnx much. Glhf! Dc : Lynnn#6556
  3. oof. sorry i thougth 400k bid not counted, so i make 16.3 to 16.8. gl, gonna back out now
  4. Hi i like to buy some shiny Shiny Speed Nature Smeargle 15m budget Shiny Speed Nature H.A Carvanha 10m budget Shiny trash Aron Sturdy 5m budget Shiny trash Mimikyu 20m budget If you have poke i want and want to discuss about price, please contact me Contact : Ign Lyn1311 // Dc lynnn#6556
  5. Canceled bacause no one make offer Godly Adamant Donphan S.O 500k Min bid 200k No Insta 2 Day auction Epic Calm Umbreon Ingame Sold 4cc+100k Epic Sassy Ferrothorn S.O 600k Min bid 100k Insta 1.2m 1 Day auction Other Payment Accepted : @Reroll IVs 680k @Nature IVs 340k @CC 400k You can offer here or pm me in game My IGN lyn1311 / My dc lynnn6556 Good Luck and Have Fun!
  6. hi sorry idk if this have been reported or no. i want to report this minor bug/ glitch at hoenn transport system. everytime i teleport to another pokecenter using transport system, my pokemon heal them self like in picture. i have been hunt ralts for weeks (lol still no halloween) with repel trick, and my repel mon keep revive them self. i need find someone to kill it since mon spawn near that area pretty low level. its fine if happen once, but it start to be annoying when u on hunt while selling things. the only way i find to solve this for now is put ur mon on pc before teleporting but that kinda exhausting. Thnx much
  7. Hi, i like to buy SHINY Carvanha Speedboost (for boss not pvp) More Faster the Bettter pay Higher only care speed ivs Show your Poke and Price Just say 27+ ivs speed, Speed nature, Speedboost willing to pay up to 13m I also want to buy Shiny Smeargle Pm or offer Contact ign Lyn1311 Discord
  8. This auction is closed because no one making offer and i want to start another auction, if interested iam selling this poke insta, pm in game or by discord. thnx much Halloween 31/29 Hp Ice Gengar 3.5m Halloween Fennekin 2.5m Other Payment Accepted : @Reroll IVs 680k @Nature IVs 340k @CC 400k You can offer here or pm me in game My IGN lyn1311 / My dc lynnn6556 Good Luck and Have Fun!
  9. Congrats to @GogeCali, u win Pvpable halloween Pupitar auction with 6m offer. Please contact me when u online by pm ingame: lyn1311 or discord Lynnn#6556
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