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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Sorry someone already offer 1.5m in game. End in 12 min
  2. C.o 1.2m by gaia76. 15 min added. End in 11 min
  3. Noted, https://countingdownto.com/?c=3948418
  4. Update Ha Brave Crawdaunt pvp ready
  5. Hi i want to auction this 3 poke, Epic Bold Rotom-W Sold Time : 5 day after 1st bid (incase timeout, there will be +15 min after last bid) 31 31 Hyper Cutter Ada Pinsir S.o : canceled Time : 2 day after 1st bid (incase timeout, there will be +15 min after last bid) Accepted payment : @Reroll IVs 700k @Nature IVs 350k @CC 400k Auction at silver server (accepting offer from gold and i will transfer to gold server with additional transfer fee 500k) You can offer here or pm me in game My IGN lyn1311 / My dc lynnn#6556 Good Luck and Have Fun!
  6. Update only offer poke (rotom, weavile, goodra, gyarados)
  7. Sure, please contact me when you online
  8. Sold! Thnx much for participation, GLHF!
  9. Update breloom, tediursa, crawdaunt brave
  10. Congrats you win auction with bid 1.6m. please confirm your server, ill do transfer if from gold. contact me when u online
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