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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. hi, okay i have done till sinnoh aniway, and trade it myself, but thnx for reply!
  2. Updates! Open service for halloween quest. only mega gengar for now, other will follow next update! Thnx
  3. Start 7m Min bid 100k 3day auction after start [2:03:25:47] PVP H.a Alolan Marowak (tickcounter.com) Insta 15m Accepted Payment : Pd CC 380k IV rr 680k
  4. Hi, i accidently make post at gold instead silver about buying pokemon(minccino). I cant transfer because lend bug at my main account (lyn1311), i have make post on forum but look like staff ignore it :'). Because wehave make deal i still bought that minccino using my alt account (lynagainthere). My alt account only have 4 badge and i already transfer it to silver from gold. I want to ask for help about sending minccino to my main account from my alt account. My alt account havent unlock sinnoh. Thnx much!
  5. Hi, is there a limit for someone to submit? like 1 player only submit one map, or 1 player can submit 1 indoor and 1 outdoor, or everyone can submit more then 1. Thnx
  6. Another quest done! Mega Ampharos (clearing not full) 300k. Thnx Much, Glhf!
  7. wow it work! Thnx Much, really appreciate it!
  8. it happen this morning, work pretty well last night
  9. Ign : Lyn1311 Status : Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh Complete Feedback - Exp Share Item : really good item, definitely will help begginer to complete story. Helping new player to training new poke/strategy depending gym they fight - New System, Fully evo mon have same xp pool with unevolved mons : this system works really well with exp share item. Player can leveling low level mons really fast until they fully evolved and can farm xp on their own - New Xp system, leveling become very hard not only for newb but also old player. i tried grinding gyarados and it takes time way too much to get level 90+ - Grinding exp at low level very easy but at end game, it become way too harder. it makes player depend on old tactics like flash magnemite, dragon dance gyarados and clefable +1 for exp share -1 for new exp system Some bugs i found - Exp bar - Happines Bar - Level up sound effect - Ice tiles/ arrow tiles - sometime game got freeze when talking to npc - bonus move when catching mons - bonus xp when catching mons - bonus ev train from exp share item - walk skip, sometime like at blackthorn gym, right when we want to fight gym leader, game skip path so when we walk from enterance, suddenly we arrive in front of gym leader - some weird dialog, like at some npc, at sunnyshore pokemart etc Screenshoot Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh
  10. You can start pvp with 6 lv 100 mon, but better with more region complete since you ll get more choice on team, either mons, move or legendary
  11. Hi, i am looking for offer of these mons, mostly useable, never really use them tho specially at pvp, so kinda waste for me. Accepted Payment cc 370k/ rr 670k/ nature rr 330k Will accept trade mon only for minccino or cinccino Jolly SkillLink (depend on stat will appreciate it as 500k-5m) Can contact me here, ingame or dc, but dont spam xD Feel free too offer but gonna ignore low ones so dont bother xD Planning to auction some of these at halloween/ xmas if still none good offer. Thnx for coming by! PVP PVE
  12. We can ask on all chat, help chat, join guild and ask there or make survey on forum trade section, most item doesnt have fixed price
  13. Summer Quest is closed, Thnx Much! Kyurem, Zekrom, Crater and Dungeon service still open! Another quest is done! Teleporter quest, done under 30 min, Thnx Much, Glhf!
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