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Everything posted by Chitti678

  1. C.o: 150k min. bid: 50k insta: none Auction end: 10/10/2023 22:06 (10:06 Pm ) GMT+5:30 - IST 10/10/2023 16:36 GMT+0 /----------------------------------/ form of payment accepted:- coin capsule :400k /each nature reroll : 230k/each iv reroll : 500k/each /----------------------------------/ contact: + discord : r0ken_ + ingame: Chitti678 you can bid here or in game. Good luck to everyone!
  2. 1: How hyped are you for Halloween? veryy hyped, got much forms to hunt 2: Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? well there are many forms to hunt, ralts larvesta skarmory noibat fennekin bronzor pawniard drilburr pancham froakie scyther nincada Buneary foongus 3: Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? i think there are way too many forms, literally many it makes hard to focus on some, so maybe giving more time or reducing the form rate helps this time but it would rather be good with some good forms 3.1: Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? 5-8 form families 4: Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? not any specific, i just want some cool new forms out of any poke x]
  3. +1 Well, this is a really nice feature to be implemented. I also agree with you. That system message would be very motivative for the people hunting for forms. But if a newbie found some high tier shiny Pokémon and it displays in the chat... I'm pretty sure someone would scam him. So I kind of prefer that by default settings the system message does not include the username in it. Unless the user goes to the settings and enable it.
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