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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. As the name suggests, We should have a separate channel for DUNGEON As we know 2 legendary quest are based on Dungeon only.... Many people are not able to do Dungeon due to the absence members There should be a channel in Discord as well as In Game In which Player can contact with the people who wanna do dungeon It will make stuff less complicated and people will be able to do the quest easily Looking forward for a change !!!
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  2. bump
  3. Today i sent mail containing 15 rare candy and 1 Shiny stone from Muskon to Ninewings but i haven't received anything please check
  4. +1
  5. Bump starting Weekly Giveaway and Bug Contest
  6. Current Guild Name : TheNights New Guild Name : Creator Server : Silver
  7. Current Guild Name : TheNights New Guild Name : Legends Server : Silver
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