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Everything posted by Kanha777

  1. kanha777.
  2. I want to clear some of my doubts. Will all my alt accounts be deleted? I have 4 alt accounts on silver server (TTlovesMom, Victini777, Watermelonsugar). I use the 2nd one to transfer pokes to my main, i.e., Kanha777. I havent even completed the story in the other two accounts. After the merge, will the characters that I will have, will have my alts name or I can use my alt as a different account just as I do now? Or after the merge I will have two characters in my account, with 1 character from silver and another one from gold? Or all my alts will be deleted and only main account remains? If the alts stay as different accounts, then I can have 4 of them or I can make any more or I have to keep less alts than this? What will happen to my mons in my alts and main account? Please explain me the way my alts are going to be after the merge. I don't use gold server. I might have logged into the gold server using my main account once but I don't use it. Please clarify what will happen to my alts and main after the server merge. Thank you.
  3. What's your IGN? Kanha777 ● How old are you? 20 ● Where are you from? India ● What's your total playtime? 1027+ hours ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Doing new quests and hunting event pokes. ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) (if not, it's totally alright!) I do ev and lvl service sometimes when I am free and mostly when there's no event. And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? Endoof coz that's only one I don't have to complete my trio.
  4. Thanks for the reply.
  5. I know about that command. I am asking if the other players can't see me but if they can inspect it's fine. Just that I would become invisible in the local area where I am at.
  6. Is there any command or method available ingame to avoid other players from seeing me. Like I am still online but other players can't see me. Is there any option or command for that? Just asking out of curiosity.
  7. 250k
  8. Okk. Thank you
  9. I completed 3-4 runs of lavender dungeon in which I completed all the 4 portals, but still I didn't get any reroll shard spawn for me. Can someone please explain the chances and frequencies of getting a reroll shard from a run in percentages?
  10. Okk. Thanks. But the other bug was actually there. You know the portal one. My gastrodon was unable to use the waterfall and take me up.
  11. It has been twice I observed that the mistress gardevoir does not spawn in the middle of the hall even we cleared the gardevoirs around the room. Once it happened when I was doing it in team and it has also happen again today when I was doing a solo run of the dungeon. I have a video of that bug too but I can't upload it here as some error is popping up. I can't upload it in discord too as I don't have permission to upload it there. So I will just attach the screenshots of the areas where the gardevoirs are found for your reference. I also faced another bug while doing the draconic room in the lavender dungeon. I had gastrodon in my team but was unable to use the waterfall in there. A message came that I should report about it to the staff team. So, I will also attach the screenshot of that bug.
  12. I don't like the mecha part. But yeah the shadow one with particle effect looks awesome.
  13. Kanha777

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name? Kanha777 2. Number of hours played? 510+ hours 3. What's your favourite Pokemon? Currently valentine Goomy 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? Doing quests and new events 5. How old are you? 19 years
  14. I tried using the pickaxe on the pink rocks in love island. It's saying this is not how you use this item. Please help.
  15. Username : Kanha777 Server : Silver Country/Timezone : India/GMT +5:30
  16. Kanha777 4 hours Manaphy India 18 years Silver server
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