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Everything posted by Avanox2

  1. Hey cool, ich wusste nicht dass du auch Deutsch sprechen kannst (Wir haben mal getauscht) :D. Ich werde vll beitreten, wenn es in meiner momentanen nichts los ist. Viel Glück euch
  2. Viel Glück euch, wie viele Mitglieder seid Ihr? ^^
  3. Sorry I've been busy yesterday and I tried to reach out to you today in game. Can we arrange a meeting to trade the requested Bunelby on the weekend?
  4. hey, I wanted to purchase this little guy, is he still available?
  5. Hello @Dynamica I would like to buy these pokemon. Unfortunately there wasn‘t any price on them, so I felt free to make an offer. I would pay 250k in total for these, please respond with a feedback and I am open for negotiations! PS: I love your shop, please respond back
  6. PS: I would recommend an edited form of the rating system. The current one brings up more problems on the table as it should.
  7. -1 The idea to fight against toxicity is a great one to support but doesn‘t solve the existing problem. I have provided reasons why we shouldn‘t implement such a feature in the game. 1. So said toxic players or trolls will purposely give others negative ratings to sabotage their own title. The competition in PvP is highly big and some people will send the opposite player a negative rating as soon as they start losing. 2. People would start to exchange their free ratings for money. Besides pokemon and items a new currency will be implemented in the PRO market. This also causes fake identifications to players who just want the rewards at every season. Toxic players on the other hand receive the opportunity to boom their low rating by buying ratings. 3. Scamming will still remain. It‘s almost impossible to fight the negative attitudes of toxic players. I respect every opinions. Please share your thoughts about my comment.
  8. Is this little guy still there? I would buy him for 50k as mentioned above. Kind Regards
  9. Hey Beruss Are you interested in opening a guild with me? If yes dm me
  10. Nice ty, the money is on Avanox2 Silver server. On which Server are you playing?
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