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Everything posted by Bunnaiii

  1. WTB the greninja if still available!
  2. WTB the devil ears if they are still available!
  3. Two questions! Are you only taking certain methods of payment at this time (like money only) or something like CC is also ok to offer as payment? and what price(s) are you looking for each item?
  4. Thank you!!
  5. :] Been quite some time since I've logged on here, let alone posted art in the community, but heres some stuff I've done over the current year :3
  6. Purugly Cresselia Cherrim
  7. I'd like to buy the Foongus and Gligar if still Available :]
  8. Wtb this Weavile for 100k if you still have it available.
  9. 200k for p1 (Assuming that's the label for the first pokemon ) Edit: LMAO message loaded late for me aha, 200k for p2 instead.
  10. 50k for both
  11. Hoi o/ Headbutting trees sounds fun, though it also sounds painful.
  12. This looks fun, I am in. Discord- Puwpybuns#6422 IGN- Bunnaiii
  13. Buy Pika Belle if still available. xd
  14. This might be a silly one but maybe how many abandoned pokemon you "found/rescued"?
  15. Sweet : D I'm online at the moment whenever you're ready c : (I have no idea how to dm in game without the reliance of clicking the username lmfao)
  16. Nice I'm online at the moment whenever you're ready (not me knowing how to directly dm in game without being able to click the username yet )
  17. Can I buy the feebas if still available
  18. 150k Porygon 150k Sableye 150k Skarmory
  19. Before the flying type lover prompts the dialogue of asking you to show him how to train a pidgey, I believe you'll need to have caught data (doesn't need to be your OT) of all the flying type pokemon in kanto, excluding the legendary birds. They asked to look at my pokedex and kept nitpicking that I didn't have caught data of pokemon with a flying typing (charizard, dodrio, etc.) and if I "really loved flying types" I needed to show that. After I got caught data on all the pokemon in kanto that had a flying typing and showed my pokedex to him, he stopped nitpicking about it then asked me the question about training a pidgey. I still had missing flying type entries for other regions excluding kanto when he stopped nitpicking about it, so I believe it just stops there in terms of how many entries you need to have caught data on.
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