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Everything posted by Irushia

  1. Hello @Renji333, @Lavkush, I have reviewed the report and investigated the auction. The auctioneer, Renji333, was correct when he posted his auction details on the in-game Trade channel: Metagross started at 300K Pokedollar, while the other 2 Pokemon started at 0K Pokedollar. Thus, @Lavkush is obligated to honor his offer of 300K Pokedollar for the Metagross, and 25K Pokedollar for the Meditite. @Renji333 You need to update all offers you received in-game on Forum. You never updated the 25K offer for the Meditite here. Please be careful next time. I see that you have already traded with Ryomabastian. Please arrange a trade with Lavkush at your earliest convenience, and post the screenshot of the trade here afterward to conclude the auction. If you can't contact him after 24h, let me know. Kind regards, Irushia
  2. Hello @Wakaranaii, I have edited your title "ADA SCYTHER - CURSER MEGA 25+" to a new one to conform to our Trade Rules: You have not been accurate with your title for the following 2 reasons: Only Mega Scizor with Light Metal/Steadfast (H.A.) as the pre-mega ability is allowed to use Curse in Ranked PvP, thus advertising "Curser Mega" is misleading. Your Scizor has 08 Spd with an Adamant nature, thus it does not satisfy the criteria to be called 25+ here. Please be careful next time when selecting a title. Kind regards, Irushia
  3. As discussed with both parties privately, due to difficulties in meeting each other in the past few days, I have forced the trade for the leveling service. Please find ways to stay in contact better in the future to avoid miscommunication, as it has already happened this time. Locked as resolved.
  4. The player @Elyasumene has been handled for his false bidding. C.O. now is still 3.5M Pokedollar by Gohan. Good luck with the auction.
  5. Hello @Timithi, I have shared what I found and the conversation I had with you yesterday with @Epithet. He will continue assisting you from here. Please answer his questions to the best of your ability so that we can pinpoint exactly what happened with your account. Kind regards, Irushia
  6. Because Azumarill was traded to the wrong winner, I have reversed the trade. The following players have received the changes below: @Bermie25 3.2M Pokedollar has been returned to you, and Azumarill was moved to the rightful winner. @Correcte Azumarill has been moved to your account, and 3M Pokedollar deducted. Enjoy. @Agate 200K, the difference between 3M and 3.2M, has been deducted from your account. To @Agate: When there are doubts over the auction's result, please report a post and wait for a Trade Moderator to review and instruct you what to do next. You did not wait and ended up trading the Pokemon to the wrong winner. This could cause unwanted issues that could have totally been avoided. We unfortunately have to issue the appropriate punishment to your account here. Please be careful next time, and give a good read to our General Trade Rules and Auction Rules. This concluded the auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
  7. The time used in my screenshots was converted to GMT+0. If you have any other questions, please make a thread in General Complaint Area, I'd be glad to answer them for you.
  8. To all parties involved, The rightful winner of this auction is @Correcte at 3M Pokedollar. For those who have questions about this auction, please follow the timeline below: Using GMT+0: - The auction started at 3:30PM, September 20th: - Auction runs for 5 days after start offer, this means the auction was schedule to end at 3:30 PM, September 25th - Correcte's bid of 3M at 2:39 PM, 09/25 is valid here: - However, @Bermie25's bid of 3.2M was 6 minute late: - Thus, Correcte's bid of 3M is the last valid of the auction. @Agate Please conduct the trade with @Correcte for 3M Pokedollar at your earliest convenience, and post the screenshot of the trade here in this thread, once it's done. Kind regards, Irushia
  9. To all parties involved, The Togepi was unfortunately traded to the wrong winner in this auction. The correct winner is @Bermie25 for 700K Pokedollar. For those who have questions about this auction, please follow the timeline below: Using GMT +0: Auction started at 4:30 PM, September 22th: The auction ends 48 hours after 1st bid -> Thus, auction was scheduled to end at 4:30 PM, September 24th. As a result, we can see Oxc's bid was late here: Which makes Bermie25's bid at 700K the last valid bid of the auction. I have reversed the trade. The following players have received the changes below: @Oxc 750K Pokedollar has been returned to you, and Blue Togepi was taken away. @Bermie25 Blue Togepi has been moved to your account, and 700K Pokedollar deducted. @Sumone 50K Pokedollar, the difference between 700K and 750K, has been deducted from your account. This concludes the auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
  10. Hello @Fernandoselim, You have committed a high number of infractions during this auction: You are only allowed to have one auction thread for the same Pokemon. Having this and this is not allowed because that would cause confusion to the bidders, and it already did. The ending point you announced (GMT+1 07.00 pm) was incorrect. It should be 7:02 PM with GMT +1. You have to update every in-game bid on Forum, which you failed to do so for the last 700K bid. You failed to exercise the 15-minute extension that can be found in the Auction Rules. Unfortunately, since the auction has already completed, there is no sensible way to correct all your mistakes here. We will issue the appropriate punishment for your poor handling of the auction this time. Please give our Auction Rules a read, and be more careful in the future. Kind regards, Irushia
  11. To all parties involved, The correct winner of the Nidoking auction is @Ajthebaddest at 230K Pokedollar. The reason for this is @Araragikun's bid occurred in the same minute that the auction was scheduled to end, hence it's unfortunately a late bid. Referring to our Auction Rules: Using GMT+0: The time I made the post was at 3:57 PM: Hence, with an 1-hour extension, it will end at 4:57:00 PM, which would mean all bids are valid until 4:56:59, and no later. Please refer to the rules I have colored Gold above. This means Araragikun's bid at 4:57 is not valid. Since it could happen at anytime after 4:57:00 up to 4:57:59, it's considered a late bid and won't be accepted: I hope my explanation has been clear enough for everyone to understand the situation. If you have any extra questions you want to ask, please make a thread in General Complaint Area, I would be glad to answer them for you. @G44k @Ajthebaddest Because I see both of you are online at the moment, please trade the remaining 20k to G44k. If you are unable to contact each other, let me know and I will force the Pokedollar payment. This concludes the Nidoking auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
  12. To all parties involved, The Nidoking auction incorrectly ended without accounting for @Araragikun's bid 2 minutes before auction's ending point. Without this mistake, auction would have continued for an extra 15 minutes due to the 15 minute extension rule. Thus, to be fair to all parties involved and that everyone has time to submit their bid, the Nidoking auction will continue for an extra 1 hour, from the time this post was made. To see the exact time this post was made, please hover over the post like what I did in the picture below: The auction's Current Offer is now @Araragikun at 220K. @G44k @Araragikun @Ajthebaddest @Kuusetsu @Sm0046 and others, please take note of this change. At the end of this auction, I will correct the previous mistake made by the auctioneer and move the Nidoking to the winner. Good luck bidding. Irushia
  13. Hello @Vajdoch, I will be locking this thread now, since it's not clear what you are trying to do with the thread, which has already led to confusion and an unauthorized bid war without an ending point. - If your purpose is to looking for offers for the Weaville, please be clear in your post's description. Keep in mind that without making this an auction, you are not allowed to use any offer in the thread as a Current Offer (C.O) or Best Offer (B.O). You will need to respond to all offers in the thread (which you have failed to do so) whether you accept or reject the offer, as soon as you see them. Failure to do so may lead to an immediate lock on your thread. Referring to our General Trade Rules: - If you want to make an auction, please give our Auction Rules a read, then start a new auction thread with a proper format. Feel free to copy and paste the sample format below: Please read what I have suggested to you carefully, and start a new thread only after you have understood what to do and what are required from you as the thread creator. I wish you good luck selling the Weavile. Kind regards, Irushia
  14. Hello there, Considering both parties have difficulties meeting each other, I have forced the trade: @Swer4412 5.5 M Pokedollar has been added to your account, and Shiny Serperior moved to the auction winner. @Azazeru Shiny Serperior has been moved to your account, and 5.5M Pokedollar removed. This concluded the auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
  15. Hello @Ajthebaddest, Your previous thread was moved to the Shiny and Special Pokemon - Gold subforum, because that is the appropriate subforum for Variant Pokemon (Shiny & Form), which applies to this Valentine Nidoran M. Referring to our Forum General Trade Rules: As you can see, if you wish to sell Valentine Nidoran M, then the thread has to be made in the Shiny & Special Pokemon subforum section. If you have any other questions you want to ask, please don't hesitate to contact me, I'd be glad to answer them for you. Kind regard, Irushia
  16. Hello @Isildurr2x, Keep in mind that you are not allowed to sell variant Pokemon (shiny, form) in a Selling Pokemon subforum here. Referring to Forum General Trade Rules: Since the auction has already been started and to avoid potential confusion, we will make an exception and allow the thread to stay as is, for this time only. However, failure to comply with these rules in the future may result in immediate intervention and heavier punishment, so please be careful next time. Kind regards, Irushia
  17. Hello @Lebram31, Please edit your thread to contain only up to 5 non-variant Pokemon here. Referring to Forum General Trade Rules: Alternatively, you can also move the appropriate Pokemon to your 2 existing threads in Pokemon Shops - Silver and Shiny and Special Pokemon - Silver if you wish. Please do so at your earliest convenience. Kind regards, Irushia
  18. Hello @Asuracrying00, Please remember that bids from Discord are not valid or accepted, like what you did here: Referring to Auction Rule no.2 for sellers can be found here: Considering that the auction has ended, I will be locking this thread now. Please be careful next time. Kind regards, Irushia
  19. Hello @Boobik, I have edited your title to conform with our Trade Rule: Since the term "best in game" could not be verified and will also vary from person to person, it is not allowed to be used when advertising a Pokemon. That being said, good luck with your auction! Kind regards, Irushia
  20. Hello @Bluephoniex, This has come to our attention that you have been accepting bids with 25k increment, instead of respecting the 50k min bid that you set for the auction in the beginning. Referring to Auction Rule No.11 here: Due to the circumstances involved, we will let the current C.O stay at 175K Pokedollar, offered by Snappywnl, but from now on, every bid not respecting of the 50K Min Bid condition will be deem invalid. Continuing handling the auction poorly might lead to more severe punishment, so keep that in mind. Good luck with the auction. Kind regards, Irushia
  21. Hello @Anhklopper123, You have broken the Forum Trade Rule twice here when your thread, in a Selling Pokemon subforum, contains a total of 6 Pokemon and includes Shiny variant also. Please refer to the Forum Trade Rule here: Considering that every Pokemon has been started and so it would not be fair to other bidders if we fix this, we will make an exception and allow the thread stay as is, for this time only. The next time you let this happen again, there might be heavier punishment involved. So keep that in mind. That being said, good luck with your auction. Kind regards, Irushia
  22. Hello there, Considering both parties have difficulties meeting each other, I have forced the trade: @Silver 400K Pokedollar has been added to your account, and Valentine Roserade moved to the auction winner. @Andres7991 Valentine Roserade has been moved to your account, and 400K Pokedollar removed. This concluded the auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
  23. @Bluephoniex Please only bump once every 24 hours. I have removed your unnecessary bumps. Refer to the forum rules here:
  24. Hello @Nsdmaster, The person you are looking for is "SnappyWNL". Please try to reach him as soon as possible. Kind regards, Irushia
  25. Hello there, @Kimtan20082002 After you offer for the Pokemon, please be sure to reserve the money/alternative payments at least until it's confirmed that the seller denies your offer. Considering the potential confusion involved, I will leave you with a warning this time. Please be careful in the future. @Myuuuki I have removed the unnecessary posts in your thread. You are free to advertise your auction again, or create a new one if you wish. Good luck with your auction. Kind regards, Irushia
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