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Everything posted by Sweatyabdus

  1. 2 pokedollar and 1 oran
  2. 2.7m
  3. Hi, I want excavation and evolve service , my discord is Abdus#3203 and my IGN is SweatyAbdus
  4. Any1 help price checking this
  5. Hey u do evolution service??
  6. WTS Charizard Jolly 31 30, message here or either on PRO IGN - SweatyAbdus
  7. Hey , is the server down on PRO. I cannot login.
  8. WTB Common Uncommon Good - Decent Shinies . Message here or on Pro IGN - SweatyAbdus
  9. WTB Good Shiny Jolly rattata above 25-26+ atk and spd
  10. I was checking syncable pokemons and npc said to spawn one? I clicked no and it spawned and my 50 pve coins wasted. I'll be happy if I get my coins back :) :c
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