Hi! We are the guild "Dominion" in gold server. We are a friendly, PVP and PVE guild. We are looking to add some members to our guild and have 10 spots left.
Our Leaders are:
Owner: DutchBlazey
Officers: Outraged, Omenrl, Donator, Fietsverkoper, and 6ixty.
Why Dominion? - We are a tightknit and inclusive group of PRO players that actively play the game together. We are always in the top 10 for PVP rating and receive the top guild 25% EXP boost every season. We always have a fun, lighthearted active chat on both PRO and Discord, and we hold fun, guild exclusive events with prizes and rewards. In addition, we have some members/officers with several seasons of PVP experience ready to offer tips and help teach those interested.
We have a few requirements to join. Those are:
- Have the story completed (finished through sinnoh elite 4).
- Be an active chat member OR actively play PVP.
- Follow all PRO rules and regulations.
- Make fun of DutchBlazey at least once per week.
Feel free to contact me here or on discord. My tag is Omen#4893. Thank you for checking this out and we hope to hear from you soon!