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Everything posted by Priya78

  1. I won ?
  2. Proloy won the auction
  3. started by proloy
  4. start offer:50k min bid:30k 48h after first bid no insta
  5. Wanna do 800k for sableye ?
  6. Priya78


    This team may work for every boss but I don't think there is any team for cie boss she just change mons you can't use baton pass against her like eleo said 19/20 boss will be guaranteed
  7. For Nikola just use basic pangaro baton pass boss team it works well I personally tried it recently and for prehax you can use umbreon and chansey technically you only need umbreon with toxic and wish and any move pf your choice and you will be able to defeat all the munchlax easily
  8. His team is also really nice as he use use golduck simple beam which changes opposing Pokemon ability to normal and then you can use your flash and baton passer normally
  9. You are actually right this doesn't work because it has noguard ability but u can use either gengar or any dbond Pokemon or wobbefutt with counter I personally used both and they never failed Good luck !
  10. lvl 100 tangrowth 220 ?
  11. can u do 120k for 31/29 gible
  12. i will also buy vnomoth i m from silver but i will shift
  13. wtb furret edit: i stay online only 3 hours a day you can pm me at my ig priya78
  14. when servers are going to merge ?
  15. bump
  16. close auction cancelled
  17. 800k-1m for sure and maybe more if u auction it
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