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Everything posted by Priya78

  1. SO:500k Min Raise:50k No insta Ending point :24 hour after first bid so:120k min bid:40k ending point:2 hr after first offer is recieved cc:400k rr:500k nat rr:250k master ball:60k
  2. Start
  3. You need 25+ IVs in either atk or spatk and your dragonite doesn't meet the requirement
  4. Can I know why he is banned @Manbatbcs if it is not a serious issue then I want to purchase a Pokemon
  5. i am willing to buy bisharp can u lower the price
  6. Did I win ?
  7. Modest 180k and timid 300k
  8. Increase modest and timid one by min. Bid
  9. P1 450k Sry I didn't saw it ended
  10. Hi a small question Why u do lvl service for free . I have never seen someone like you Really appreciable
  11. Hi bro i Wtb many mons we can talk when u re online
  12. +1 from my side too
  13. i m interested in gastly . can u come online
  14. post pics here with price
  15. When u gonna shift to silver ?
  16. i offer 2.3m
  17. Oh nice currently i will not be able to load game but ya will contact u soon
  18. Oh nice then start from my side
  19. 1.6 m I request you to write how much hours left as it helps
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