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Everything posted by Evan1011

  1. 610k and I don't even want it anymore
  2. 525k let's go saiyan xD
  3. I'm proud of this one xD So: 600k Min bid 25k Ends 72 hours after first bid, thank you
  4. Clearing inventory a bit All 4 poke included in same auction So: 500k Min bid 10k Ends 72 hours after first bid - keep in mind of the 15 minute extension rule towards the end , thank you
  5. 170k 2nd magnemite
  6. I'll be in touch on the game
  7. So: 150k Min bid 50k No insta 24 hours after first bid will be the end , thank you
  8. 80k slowpoke
  9. Making sure you saw i put 350 garchomp cause you didn't update it
  10. 350 garchomp
  11. So:300k Min bid 10k Insta: 1.5 mil Ends 48 hours after first bid
  12. I think I won the clefairy
  13. So 50k Min bid: 1 No insta . Ends 24 hours after first bid
  14. I sold the galv for 220k , im willing to give you half to make things right, or in that case just give you the phanpy free, your choice
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