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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. Wdym bro 180k ea or 1cc ea or something like 200k pawn and 160k pinsir
  2. hey @Manbat i was just looking around and found this post the trade hasnt been confirmed by sharing a ss here is it ok?
  3. Sry my bad Looks like i chose my words wrongly , i meant how much for their lvling service?
  4. Raise electrod and alolatails Gl with S treecko :v
  5. Hey how much for xmas doom mount (I would like you to accept my mounts if possible -- manectric and normal houndoom mount)
  6. Oh right sry my bad 500k for togepi by me then
  7. I m not sure if c.o. for easter toge is 400k or 450k So just raise it
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