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Everything posted by Darksoul56

  1. How many MB drillbur u hve @@ 60k for mb drill
  2. Lillipup started (All other pokes are cancelled becuz of no bids thanks)
  3. Auction will be cancel if there will be no bid in next 1 hr
  4. Xmas Lillipup (Ada V.S.) --> S.o. 500k WON BY @Gio 500k NEED TMOD FOR FORCE TRADE
  5. As for purchase i would like to purchase chandelure(max spd with flash fire) Any discount??
  6. I would like to take my sry back and say u edited the shop 3 min ago xD
  7. 0_0 now u hve only one But i saw 2 same with quiet as there nature xD All i can say is sry
  8. Hey there U hve posted same reuniculus 2 times : )
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