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Everything posted by Mrclaireaa

  1. ss
  2. Ferrothorn Ended @Raikaisa665 is the winner. You also won the Golduck hmu on Discord or ingame if you're on.
  3. @Rubyboy002 Bid is invalid because there is already 260k bid on Smeargle
  4. Ended Winners are------ @Raikaisa665 Golduck ---- @Janith Gyarados --- @Diego1206 Larvesta you can add me on discord MrClaiRea#3896
  5. @Manbat we weren't able to meet in-game with Luckytea, Can you force the trades, please?
  6. Starting offer is 500k Min bid is 25k Auction end time https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4062324/shiny-scatterbug(GMT +3 30.04.2023 8PM) Goodluck Everyone... CURRENT OFFER - 600k @Hannibalplh
  7. Janith - Rise all 1k - Golduck 51k Smeargle 56k Gyarados 51k Larvesta 51k Ferrothorn 101k
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