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Everything posted by Mrclaireaa

  1. @Mbkhe also did give aron to another player 12 min after the auc ended
  2. @Zoruami doesn't @Bymayan win the cottonee auction cus as you can see on the picture the guy bid the 300k 47 sec's after the auction ended, as well as aron's got a bid 12m after the auction ended so @Shelterone would've won the auction with 50k?
  3. Starting BID 50k Min bid 50k Insta bid 1m The auction ends 48h after the first bid GMT+3 https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4037452/my-countdown C.O. @Iilynnii with 400k
  4. STARTING BID 1K MIN BID 1K GMT+3 48h starts after the first bid last minute bids reset the timer back to 15mins ENDS AT https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4036543/my-countdown CURRENT OFFER 150k by @Kakashuy
  5. Starting offer 200k Min bid 50k Ends after 24h of the first bid GMT+3 Timezone.
  6. @Suncity you offered at 10:17 PM offers ended at 08:33 PM
  7. Winner of the Lotad is @Metalgreymon with 50k
  8. Winner of Modest Seel is @Metalgreymon with 180k Offers after 12:17 AM 18/03/23 GMT+3 didn't count. Same goes on Corsola Winner is @Elijope with 150k offers after 17/03/23 GMT+3 08:03 didn't count. Winner of Chinchou is @Lustbug with 50k You guys can add me on discord MrClaiRea#3896
  9. .start offer : 50k each .min raise : 10k .insta : no one .end of auction : 24 hours* after the first bid good luck Last Minute bids increase the bid time back to 5 minutes. .C.O Brave Seel: No one atm .C.O Naughty Slowpoke : No one atm .C.O Rash Seel : No one atm .C.O. Hardy Slowpoke : No one atm
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