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Everything posted by Mrclaireaa

  1. Starting offer for every Pokemon is 100k Min bid for every Pokemon is 25k Insta 1m End time https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4060800/tangela GL
  2. Starting offer for every Pokemon is 50k Min bid for every Pokemon is 10k Auction end time https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4060796/pokemons Goodluck Everyone... C.O. 61k @Raikaisa665 C.O. 275k @Immortalx C.O. 51k @Janith C.O. 52k @Diego1206 C.O. 250k @Raikaisa665
  3. C.O. - X
  4. @Antonio425 @Luckytea add me on disc MrClaiRea#3896 ill be online in like 2h
  5. theres an area on the top right inside the bcc area. it says smth like theres an interesting bug sounds coming or smth like that. you need to go in that area
  6. Starting offer for every Pokemon is 1k Min bid for every Pokemon is 1k Auction end time https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4054668/shinyhallow Goodluck Everyone.. C.O. - 25k @Luckytea C.O. - 25k @Luckytea C.O. - 101k @Antonio425 C.O. - 25k @Luckytea C.O. - 25k @Luckytea
  7. Kangashkan 400k
  8. Sorry for the misunderstanding i thought frost was the winner but it was souca
  9. Geodude,Slowpoke & Natu ended Geodude's winner is @Raikaisa665 with 18.5k - Natu's winner is @Lacomus with 161k - Slowpoke's winner is @Souoca123 with 80k Add my discord MrClaiRea#3896 or pm ingame
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