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Everything posted by Nxtaryan

  1. can't find the screenshot for golduck but u can confirm from the player he got / or not winner insta price 2m compensate with a few items @Niduxx
  2. .
  3. .
  4. Start Price: 10k sold: insta End Point: 50 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: 2m Minimum Raise: 10k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 400k) <This is a bundled sale> Need item Lagging tail Use item leftovers use item leftovers use item leftovers use item leftover use iteam focus sash (my opinion) usage method : whimsicott: switcheroo+memento golduck: simple beam+flash+yawn&protect dugtrio:sand attack (if needed) + stealth rock +memento magnazone:thunder wave + explosion huntail:substitute+x3 shell smash + baton pass pangoro: spam power trip silver server auction you can switch
  5. winner @Nathji1723
  6. s.o - 100k min raise -10k insta - 500k accepted currency is only pokedollor only silver server trade you can switch
  7. s.o-150k min raise 20k time - 24hr no insta only silver server auction
  8. @Lacomuswon
  9. start 50k
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