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Everything posted by Fusionflair

  1. Hello again @Nox Great to know that it helped to that extent. Since that is the case, I'll be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to reach out for help in here in the future. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  2. Hello @Bagelbasher Responses from our side aren't instant since we are volunteers to this game devoting our free time. Your original thread and the additional ones made were merged and moved to a private subforum where only Moderation Staff and you can view the information shared, which can be perceived as very sensitive such as your email address, etc. General Support here is a public subforum for support questions regarding the game itself and is viewable by all other players, hence the threads were moved. Please do not keep spamming as you were and patiently wait for a reply from a Staff member in the original thread, where we will definitely be helping you regarding the issue at hand. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  3. Hello there @Nox I had forwarded the scenario with you to our Developers. Based on what they said, this is normal on mobile since they have a kind of built in system V-Sync that somehow applies to the game. Though we are not sure why it is only stuck at 24Hz. They said that they'll look into that issue but have recommended for you to install the Legacy client and see how that plays out. Following is how you can install the Legacy client: Download the Legacy Client under Android section on our Official Downloads Page. Uninstall the already installed client. Install the legacy client that you just downloaded. About being able to reach higher frame rates due to the phone's high refresh rate capabilities, there is no documentation by Unity on how to handle that. Devs are however using the maximum available frame-rate reported by Unity which just somehow doesn't match the actual capabilities of phones with higher refresh rate. I hope that the suggestion itself helps and will be keeping this open for you to be able to update us on any developments and to ask any questions if you have any. Have a great start of the week, Fusionflair
  4. Hello @Adriano10 We are sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the issue in question. I had forwarded it to our Content Scripters and they have found and fixed the issue now. The quest should now work as it's supposed to. Refer to a guide such as the Wiki Guide for the rest of it. Feel free to let me know if you still have any trouble with this. Have a jolly Sunday, Fusionflair
  5. Hello @Aguitagg I apologize for the late response. The question symbols in place of the level of the opposing Pokemon when battling Gym trainers or some Bosses, means the levels are hidden and in fact not revealed. I suppose here it does concern story so for that you can check the different guides under Quest Walkthroughs, YouTube, and ask in the in-game chats(all, help and battle), for info around what Pokemon and what level you'd need to bring against each Gym. If you have any further questions regarding this, please feel free to ask here if you will. Hope you're having a great weekend, Fusionflair
  6. Hello @Pranilsht I apologize for the inconvenience caused. There were a number of people who got the Cyan Fire Wings due to a glitch which is supposed to be exclusive to the Summer event in 2020. With the last client update they were removed from the accounts that had gotten them by mistake. This wasn't something caused by you as it was totally something on our side, hence please do not worry about getting punished. To be clear, the wings would not be added back to your account, instead 25k Pokedollars have probably already been added to the account for your troubles. As there is no further action to be taken in this thread here, I will be locking it. Feel free to make a new one in the future, in case of any other questions or issues. Take care, Fusionflair
  7. Hello @Skrong Just to make sure before I actually lock the thread, what mount was it and did you happen to find it on you already? Looking forward to the reply. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  8. Hiya @Heroninflight Welcome to the game! As my friend Kubrick already explained in brief about everything that is there to do in the game other than the story side of things you will soon find more about it all as you progress. Good to know that you're bringing your brother to the game as well. Having said all that, it's important that you're informed about all of our Rules and the Resolution Center, where you can reach us for support. Wish you a great time in the game. See you around!
  9. Hello @Nox Apologies for the late response. Could you please provide information such as Android version and any relevant screenshots of the issue? I will then be forwarding it to the Developers. Looking forward to your reply. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  10. Hello @Skippuh Your request has been forwarded. However, please do not trade any of those away in the while. Stay patient in the while its being processed. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  11. Hello @Lyn1311 Have forwarded the request. I ask for your patience while its being processed. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  12. Hello @Szaryyelo Please do not share your email address on a public subforum such as General Support. As for this, I have edited out the email address from the post here so its no more visible. I have seen that you have already made a thread in 2FA subforum which is only visible to you and Moderation Staff members and you will have to wait for a reply there. There can be certain delays given we are short staffed at the moment while we handle hundreds such requests at a time and someone will get to yours at the earliest of their convenience. Please stick to the original post there where you are allowed a bump to the thread once every 24 hours. To add to it, we are volunteers at this and do not accept payments and players who donate do not get any special treatment. Will be locking this thread as you are to continue in there. Take care, Fusionflair
  13. Hello @Mark02320 I apologize for the brewing confusion about this. The cause of this is that a number of people got the Cyan Fire Wings due to a glitch and is why they were removed, since these wings are supposed to be exclusive to the Summer Event of 2020. Please do not think that you have not abused or caused this in any way since they were obtained through a glitch, so please do not worry about getting punished over it. The wings won't be added back, however, 25k Pokedollars that may or may not have been also taken from you in the process will be refunded in due time, if not done already. Since there's no further action to be taken here, I will be locking this thread as resolved. In case of any future concerns, feel free to make a new thread. Have a great weekend ahead, Fusionflair
  14. Hey there @Atil003 I am sorry for you to have found yourself in this situation. You had submitted 684 IVs in the Cutiefly World Quest, last Sunday. The issue here has occurred only with you for some reason due to the server crash and is why a Mysterious Ticket was added to your account today as the well deserved reward. I apologize again for the inconvenience caused due to that. I wish you a great time ahead in the game. Will be locking this thread as no further action is needed to be taken here. Have a great weekend, Fusionflair
  15. Hello again @Yiao Glad to know that clarifies everything. Given that you've confirmed the amount of PvE coins that shows up, we can conclude that there's no bug involved in the granting of PvE coins from certain bosses. Mind you again, you can check the change in the number of PvE and PvP coins by restarting the client altogether. I'd like to thank you for making this report. Feel free to keep reporting any potential bugs that you might find in the future. Having said that all, I will be locking this thread as resolved. Wish you a great Sunday, Fusionflair
  16. Hey there @Delaynomore I apologize for the delay in providing you with a response. You'd be glad to know that the issue has since been forwarded to the Testers and it will be soon recognized for all the quests that are affected by the new Pokeballs' addition. I'd like to also thank you for bringing this to our attention. Feel free to keep reporting any such issues in the future. Will be locking this thread as there is no more action to take here. Hope you're having a great weekend, Fusionflair
  17. Hello @Turboo I am sorry for you to have encountered this issue. Even though the issue's been resolved, I'd like to share the fix for it again for other people to refer to it. This is a known bug where there's flickering and glitching experienced, this sometimes also extends to not loading some textures properly and showing black tiles for the map. This occurs only on the Android client due to Unity's game engine. We do have a fix for this following are the steps: Download the Legacy Client under Android section on our Official Downloads Page. Uninstall the already installed client. Install the legacy client that you just downloaded, using which you should not face any more of those issues. I will be locking this thread on that note. Feel free to make a new one in case of any other issues or questions in the future. Have a great weekend, Fusionflair
  18. Hello @Yiao Sometimes the change in PvE or PvP coins in the client doesn't show up right after you finish a boss(or any other PvE activity that rewards those) or a PvP battle. But restarting the client does make the change show up in the trainer card. I have checked the amount that appears on our end and you currently have 194 PvE coins(191+3). Could you please check and confirm if that's what shows up on the client? Looking forward to your reply. Hope you're having a great day, Fusionflair
  19. Hey there @Gallant669 Can you please mention what platform(Windows, Mac, Linux, Android) are you on and attach some screenshots for me to see what exact issue you are facing with opening the game? Looking forward to your reply. Wish you a great day, Fusionflair
  20. Hey there again, Since there's nothing more to address here and that there's no further question from you, I'll be locking this thread as resolved. In the future, feel free to create a new one in case of any other question or issues. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  21. Hello @Badguy1 As @Barze97 said, Sceptile only learns Vacuum Wave in Generation 9. PRO follows Generation 7 battle mechanics, hence the case. It is not any bug that Sceptile doesn't learn Vacuum Wave. In the future, feel free to refer to our Wiki Page to check on the attainability of certain moves, abilities, quests and their guides, etc. around PRO. Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  22. Hello @Gonx2 A Snivy that you have is still in a lending trade to you and its currently in your PC. Its Timid and having the Overgrow ability. The lending trade ends on 1st of August unless sent back before, you will then be able to use the server transfer. Hence, this is not caused by a bug. If you have any further questions feel free to ask if not, let me know if that'll be all. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  23. Hello @Alexisdl350, @Marouflard and @Malbouffe I'd first like to apologize for the amount of time taken to process this thread here. The issue has been known for a while now and it occurs due to inconsistent internet connection of players, like @Lyn1311 here has mentioned, or the servers lagging. Now there is a workaround in the script that should respawn any missing bosses during such instances. Without it, the bosses would simply not spawn and lock you in the dungeon. About what Marouflard and Malbouffe are suggesting, you are more than welcome to make a thread in Suggestions subforum about it. Finding and fixing of bugs on the content side is solely reliant on our Testers and Content Scripters that in no way coincides with the making of mounts and other cosmetics, which are reliant on our Artist team, similarly the priorities here are very different and you saying that is completely disrespectful to our Content Scripters' work. The issue has been properly addressed now, but there's no hard fix for it as of now. Feel free to add to this if there's any further concerns from any of you all. Have a great weekend y'all, Fusionflair
  24. As a good amount of time has passed, I will be locking this thread as resolved, assuming that all is in order. Take care, Fusionflair
  25. Hello and warmest of welcome backs to PRO, @Spyretos! You seem to be a very old player indeed and we're glad to have you back. I'm glad you found someone to help you with the story and that you have finally completed it. Even though you're no new player, I'd still like you to be familiar with our Rules and know that if you face any issue or have any questions about the game, feel free to make a thread in the Resolution Center to reach out to us. Also we promote the use of the PROWiki! Hope you're having a great weekend, Fusionflair
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