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Everything posted by Fusionflair

  1. Hello @Demonmic36 I apologize for any inconvenience faced. Can you check if you can login now? If not, can you show me the message that appears after you try logging in? Looking forward to your response. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  2. Hello @Diale0601 As confirmed in the Discord Server that you are no longer facing any such issues, I will now lock this thread as resolved. Feel free to create a new thread in case of any such issues or any other questions in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  3. Hello there @Diale0601 I am sorry to hear about your situation earlier. As said in the Discord, I had forwarded this issue of yours to our Developers and they've fixed it for you. You should now be able to login as you should. Let me know if you still are facing any issues as such. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  4. You should be able to login now. Let me know about the battle bug that you were facing.
  5. Hi there @Enji755 I checked and you seemingly have the "User already logged in" error, which I have forwarded to our Developers and they will soon help you out of it. On the other hand what is the battle bug that you're trying to report? Did that perhaps cause you to go into the "User already logged in" state? Looking forward to your reply. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  6. Hi there @Jph782002 I am really sorry to have you find yourself in that situation. As @Lucifer001 suggested, which I appreciate and thank them for and to which I'd like to add some more details and express it in the steps below: Run the client as you have. Click F2 button, which will open the console, which you may or may not be able to see in the current set resolution. Type clean reg command and press enter. The client will then close and upon starting it again it should be operating in the normal resolution of your computer. I hope this helps. Let me know if you are still facing any issues as such. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  7. No worries. Just remember that the next time. Glad to have been of help. Will be locking this thread as confirmed to be resolved. Feel free to create a new one for any other issues or questions in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  8. Hello @Napolion22n I have restored your Heracross. It should now be in the last slot of your PC. Will you please confirm the same? In the future, please use the Restore Pokemon Megathread or the #request-chat in our Official Discord Server for requests as such, which I see you also have now realized and posted there as well. Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great weekend, Fusionflair
  9. Hiya @Juan47474 @Immortal96 @Tgbbrock312 @Alexammyr I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the downtime on fixing the issues specific to the android client, which is why it was temporarily unavailable on the downloads page. The issues have been fixed now. The updated client is now available on the Downloads Page. Follow the steps below to install it on your Android Device: Uninstall the older client. Download the new client from the page linked above. Install the new client. As the issues have been fixed now and there is nothing more to address, I will be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to make a new one in case of any other issues or questions in the future. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  10. Hello @Fer1711 I apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the recently encountered bugs on the client due to the new update, as @Evan1011 also informed you here, which I appreciate and thank them for. The issues have been fixed now. The updated client is now available on the Downloads Page. Follow the steps below to install it on your Device: Delete the older client files from your computer(applies for Windows, Mac and Linux users) or uninstall the older client if you're on Android. Download the new client from the page linked above according to your Operating System. After downloading, you have to unzip the files if you're on Windows/Mac/Linux after which you can run it from the folder. If you're on Android, just install the new client using the APK. As the issue overall has been fixed and addressed already, I will be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to create a new one in the future, in case of any such issues encountered or other questions. Take care, Fusionflair
  11. HI there @Alexammyr The updated client is now available on the Downloads Page. Follow the steps below to install it on your Android Device: Uninstall the older client. Download the new client from the page linked above. Install the new client. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused due the downtime, however, now we're back in business. As there are no more questions to be addressed here on this, I will now lock this thread as resolved. Feel free to reach out through our forums again in case of any such issues or other questions, in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  12. Hi there again @Qek Our DEVs are The Flash! You should now be able to login as usual. As I see you are now online in-game, I will be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to reach out through our forums for any future questions or issues as such. Take care, Fusionflair
  13. Hello @Qek I apologize for the inconvenience caused due to this. I have forwarded your issue to our Developers. I will follow up as soon as they help you out of it. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  14. Hi there @Kakaroto187 I will be listing you every information on unobtainable and obtainable legendary and mythical Pokemon in game. All NOT obtainable Legendary and Mythical Pokemon in the game Check this spolier below for the list: Although these are not having any quests to obtain them for now, they maybe added later into the future. Obtainable Legendaries For most of the Obtainable Legendaries you can check wiki page on Legendary Pokemon(More info here). Some quests are not updated there. You can refer to this list for them and check out the YouTube and Wiki Guides on them from different people. I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns regarding this. Have a wonderful week ahead, Fusionflair
  15. Hiya @Paulpinak So sorry to hear about your situation here. I have forwarded your request. We appreciate your patience regarding this. Have a great weekend ahead, Fusionflair
  16. Hiya @Angelblack2 I am sorry to hear about your situation here. The cause of its disappearance was due to an issue in the Hoenn Starters Mega Quest, where some items are removed from the bag, but the Gyaradosite was the one left behind. Fortunately, we were able to restore the Gyaradosite, so now you should have it back in your Bag. I will be locking this thread as the issue here has been resolved. Feel free to reach out through our forums for any such issues or questions in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  17. Hello @Rozewater Yes you can forfeit the Tournament by registering another Pokemon. After that you have to redo the rest and obtain 7+ points in total, after which you can speak to Mannes in Eindoak Town to end the Tournament. He should then give you the Dark Stone. 12 points that is shown in the video guide there, is the Maximum you can get in the Tournament. After that you should be able to continue with the Dragonspiral Tower Quest, where you can obtain Zekrom. As you have won the Tournament already, there is no need to find Mako. However, a thing to note is that the NPCs there also battle each other while you are fighting one, which is why some of them don't fight anymore as they have lost all their points. For the Light Stone, you have to do the Xmas Dungeon, available only during the Xmas Event. Upon the third successful Dungeon run, there's a 100% chance of getting it. After having that, you can enter the Dragonspiral Tower again to catch Reshiram. You can follow through the rest of the guide that you referenced, as is. Will be locking this thread as the issue has been resolved. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  18. Hiya @Firemnypes As none of the workarounds didn't quite seem to fix the issue, it is certainly, and now totally one of the following that's causing it: Broken Windows Install, Broken/outdated drivers, Broken hardware, etc. That is certainly not our territory to help with. I do hope that you're able to figure out what the issue is and are able to play the game once again. This might have not been the outcome you have been expecting but I do hope that you understand our situation as well. I will, however, be keeping this thread open to further replies, for you to communicate if there are any further developments. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  19. Hi there @Firemnypes With the information given, we can conclude that the issue is totally on your side of things, as there was no GPU mentioned, and the Processor you mention is not one with Integrated Graphics. Regardless, we are suggesting you a workaround but there's no guarantee that this will totally work as the issue might just end up being totally different. Demonstrated in the following video. force_glcore.mp4 Here we showed you how to change the API system to render the graphics on the game from DirectX 11 to OpenGL, using the -force-glcore argument in Target clause of the shortcut of the Client executable. This is not the only argument you can try which may work, I'll be listing you some in the below quote, some others which changes to other API or even Downgrade the current API DX11's rendering. The source of the supported arguments is from the Unity manual, which is the game engine that PRO runs on. I hope it all turns out just fine. Please let me know if there are any further concerns or developments from the issue at hand. Have a great rest of your day and an amazing week ahread, Fusionflair
  20. Hi there @Karvelas I have restored your Pokemon to the last slot of your PC, and as I have confirmed in-game its the one you wanted back, I will now lock this thread as resolved. In the future, please do use our Restore Pokemon Megathread or the #request-chat in our Official Discord Server for such requests. Take care, Fusionflair
  21. Hi there again @Firemnypes Could you please provide me with the hardware specifications on your PC? We can very definitively say that the issue is on your device side of things so knowing this we can only provide some pointers on how to get around with it, since the possibilities on the root cause of this is really vast. Looking forward to your reply.
  22. Greetings @Firemnypes I am really sorry to hear about your situation and the inconveniences caused by it. Could you please provide us with any detail that can help us understand the issue you are facing better, such as the following: The download link you used to download the client. For reference, the Official Downloads Page; Screenshots of the errors that you are getting with the Error Codes; Screenshot of the client folder showing the files in it, and any other info that you believe can help diagnose the issue? Hoping to hear from you soon. Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Fusionflair
  23. Hey there @Pikgan Will you please try deleting client settings by deleting the file that this path leads to - ~/.config/unity3d/PROTeam/PROClient? Note that this may or may not fix the issue, depending on if its a client issue or not. If this does not work, then it is a Linux issue. I hope everything turns out all well, and will be looking forward to hearing back from you.
  24. Hi there @Pikgan I am really sorry to hear about your situation here, and the inconvenience caused by it. I have forwarded this to our Developers and will help you through it. Wishing you a great day ahead, Fusionflair
  25. Greetings @Jshino I am sorry to hear about your situation here. The Sylveon that you show was not having Anticipation(H.A.) as Eevee, hence it became Cute Charm upon evolution to Sylveon. It is also impossible to have happened that it had H.A. as Eevee and it turned into Cute Charm upon Evolving into Sylveon as you suspect, since there is no such bug here. I hope that this clears up the confusion. Although this information may be disappointing to receive, there is nothing that can be done by us in this case, which is why I will now lock this thread. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the future for any other issues or questions. Kind regards, Fusionflair
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