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Everything posted by Fusionflair

  1. Hello @Steelydan I have recovered your Lotad that you show here. In the future, please use our Restoration Megathread(click to check) or the #request-chat in our Official Discord Server(click to join) for such requests. As we have confirmed it in-game, I will now lock this thread as resolved. Have a great week ahead, Fusionflair
  2. Hello @Biga513 You have already made the 2FA-Email recovery request in the correct subforum, but you do not need to draw attention towards it by posting in public subforums like here in General Support. Especially as you also ended up sharing personal information as your very own email address in here. The subforum that holds such requests is a very private subforum and only a few select staff members handle them as it requires dealing with personal information as your email address. When it will be handled totally depends on when the Staff member handling it will be available for it. I'd urge you that you do not make any more threads about it and stick to the original one(click to check). You are free to bump your original thread every 24 hours. I hope that you understand my point here. I have edited out and removed the email address from the post made here. I will lock this thread as you are to continue in the original 2FA post. As for @Absolutex, I thank you and really appreciate you for directing them to the right subforum here. Take care, Fusionflair
  3. Greetings @Zereff07 I am sorry to hear about your situation here. For entering Guild Island, you should meet the following requirements: Your guild must have access itself. For that it should have secured the Top 3 position on the Guild-ladder the previous season. You must have joined the guild at least 7 days prior to the season end. You must have played at least 10 Ranked PvP games last season. You must have finished the last season with at least 10 or more Rating in Ranked PvP. As an alternative, to get access for a season you and your guild can donate a total of 20 Mysterious Tickets in total to the H.Ackerman NPC in Vermilion City, giving access to the Island for 50 members. Beyond that, every one ticket submitted will give access to 2 more members. In your case here, the guild you are in has successfully finished the last season in the Top 3 position of the Guild-ladder, and you have played a total of 11 Ranked PvP matches. However you finished the season with 1 rating, which is lower than the required 10 rating. Hence, why you cannot enter the Guild Island. I am really sorry, and understand that this might be disappointing to hear, but there's nothing we can do about it as you do not meet the requirements. I will now lock this thread. Feel free to create a new one in case any such questions or issues arise in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  4. Hiya @Bankman This is a known bug, where some textures might fail to load, similar to the other bug where black boxes appear in place of map tiles. This occurs only on the Android client due to Unity's game engine. We do have a fix for this, for which here are the following steps: Download the Legacy Client under Android section on our Official Downloads Page. Uninstall the already installed client. Install the legacy client that you just downloaded, using which you should not face any more of that issue. Restarting the client might temporarily fix it, however you say that did not help which is why I highly recommend you install the Legacy Client. I hope that this helps. Feel free to let me know if you still encounter this issue. Have a wonderful day, Fusionflair
  5. Hiya @Unc3n Given what the rule in the red text in the below quote says, fighting bosses on both servers with the same account is indeed not allowed. To answer your question here, using both of your accounts to fight bosses in both Gold and Silver servers - is against the rules, even if you might be benefitting the same as using four accounts to do bosses. This is also subject to change with the upcoming accounts and servers merge as you may already know about from the Discord Announcement from last week. You will then be permitted to fight a total of 20 bosses every week on only one account across all of your characters. I understand that this raises further questions and has implications on a larger scale which would be addressed in an announcement on a later date. I hope this clears the questions that you had regarding the rules. Feel free to ask if you still have any more questions regarding this. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  6. Hiya @Teelso I apologize for the inconvenience caused by that. It is a known bug and has caused issues for a lot of players on Android, and is due to Unity's Game Engine Fortunately, we already have a fix for this. Follow the following steps for that: Download the Legacy Client under Android section on our Official Downloads Page. Then uninstall the already installed client. Then install the legacy client that you just downloaded, using which you should not face any more of that issue. Restarting the client also fixes it, but only temporarily, as you have already noticed that. I hope that this helps. Feel free to let me know if you still encounter such issues or have any other concerns regarding this. Wishing you a lovely rest of your day, Fusionflair
  7. Hiya @Kenzzop As there are no further questions from you I will now lock this thread. I thank you and would encourage you to keep reporting bugs as it allows us to provide a better experience in the game for everyone. Feel free to create a new thread for the same and for any other questions or issues in the game. Take care, Fusionflair
  8. Hiya @Jarreth14 Firstly, I'd like to commend you on supporting new players however you can. Not many people choose to do that and its a really great thing to do for the community and we really appreciate you doing that. With that being said, your goodwill towards players has nothing to do with the Pokemon you get from hunting. Whether it is getting a Pokemon with good IVs, Nature, Ability and Hidden Power or getting a rare event form or shiny, hunting Pokemon as a whole depends solely on RNG or luck. We cannot help you get Pokemon, so you can sell them and continue helping players in the game and bring more players to the game, simply because it would incentivize such notion with a reward and if we do that for other people who do the same, it would make us open to possible abuses as well as harm the experience of people playing this game and damage the economy of the game. I understand that this might not be the response you were expecting and might be disappointing for you, but I still hope that your luck with Pokemon doesn't demotivate you from supporting new players which you have been doing all along and that you understand the reasons I have stated to you here. Here are a couple guides on Money-Making(click to check) and Fighting Bosses with baton-pass(click to check), which provide you with a reliable source of Pokedollars, to keep your helping spirits up. Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions or concerns regarding this. Wishing you a lovely rest of your day, Fusionflair
  9. Hello @Kenzzop This is a bug that is not reproduceable and is similar to visual bugs like cosmetic textures not loading correctly in the trainer card and also the map bugging out into showing black boxes instead of the map tiles, for instance. These bugs are only found on Android, that does not load some textures properly. All you need to do here is to relog into the game to see it fixed, or you can download the Legacy Android Client from the Download Page(click to check), which should not experience such issues. I hope that this helps. Feel free to let me know if there are more questions or concerns regarding this. Have a great day, Fusionflair
  10. Hiya @Haco44 Please do not share about your 2FA thread here in General Support, public subforum and just stick to the original thread. Email change requests for when you don't have access to the Email associated to your account are held in a private subforum, as it requires for us to deal with information like your Email addresses. In addition to that, there are hundreds of such requests dealt with everyday and only a few select Staff members deal with such requests. Your patience is very much appreciated regarding this. You have already a thread active in the correct 2FA-Email Recovery subforum and it will be looked upon once a Staff member handling such requests is available. Also there is no reason for your account to be deleted with the merge as you have over 10 minutes of playtime already. There is no reason to panic, just the server and account merge's basic terms have been announced and there is no ETA for it. Please continue in your original 2FA thread(click to check). I will lock this thread as you are to continue there. Take care, Fusionflair
  11. Hiya @Xxxrosxxx Yes, if you have different emails for your and your partner's accounts they will be very much separate. For example, for all four of your accounts there's an X email ID, and for all four of your partner's accounts there's a Y email ID. If you don't have them that way, as said earlier, it would be highly recommended that you set it that way, which you can do right from the Dashboard(more info here) page. You and your partner will thus have each your own accounts, under which you will have your own selection of characters. Thus, there is/will be no risk of getting them flagged or anything as such and is/will be very much acceptable. Hence, that will be the thing to follow for both your cases. The rest of the info around accounts merge should be clear from the previous reply, however, if you still have any more questions or any confusion regarding this please feel free to ask. Have a wonderful weekend, Fusionflair
  12. Hiya @Valourance Glad to hear you feel that way. As there are no further questions regarding this, as of now, I will lock this thread as resolved. Feel free to reach out to us again to share any other questions or issues in the future. Kind regards Fusionflair
  13. Hiya @Freddyftw Firstly, I'd quote you all the info you need to know about how accounts and characters will be dealt with and combined below. With that being said, to give you a solution about your girlfriend's account- You can change the email ID on the Ironlady account(as well as any other accounts that your girlfriend currently owns) to a different singular email ID from the Dashboard. Alongside that, it is highly recommended that you do the same for all your accounts as well. This would ensure that Ironlady(as well as any other account that your girlfriend owns) doesn't end up as a character in your account, and that your girlfriend ends up having her own account with all the characters that she owns and the same goes for you. With this, she'd be able to log in alongside you as her character(s) would be registered to her own email. I hope that this clears the questions that you shared. Feel free to ask any more questions that you have regarding the upcoming server and accounts merge; do note that there are a lot of details that are not yet ready to be shared with players at the moment but most of such concerns can be expected to be addressed in a future Announcement from our Developers. Wish you a wonderful weekend, Fusionflair
  14. Glad to see you back @Isildurr2x. Looks like my prayers worked. Glad to hear that you are loving the recent releases of forms and mounts, and many more is in store for ya.
  15. Hiya @Alejandrol997 Glad to know we could be of help. As that is the case, I will now lock this thread as resolved. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us on the forums in case of any such questions or issues in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  16. Hello @Pentix22 I have edited and updated my reply to you. Apologies for not having noticed your situation earlier.
  17. Hiya @Mashh92 Glad to know that you understand. As there are no more question regarding this and that we have established that there is no bug regarding this, I will now lock this thread. Feel free to make a new one in case of any other such issues or questions in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  18. Hiya @Alejandrol997 I am sorry to hear about your situation here. Below are the requirements for the the Legendary Beasts Quest: 200 hours of playtime Having won the Johto League Completing the Bell Tower part by fleeing the beasts from the basement, after speaking to Scientist Rey in the Entrance. Get the seen data of Suicune(Tohjo Falls), Raikou(Mt. Silver 3F), Entei(Johto Safari Mountain Zone) As you already meet those requirements and have finished the rest parts of the quest as in the Legendary Beasts Guide(more info here), and obtained the bell of the beast you want from Scientist Rey, you now have to defeat the Guardian Boss for the respective beast you want. There is a 16.6% chance of getting an encounter with the beast you want in the first two consecutive wins. In the third consecutive win, as @Norex wanted to say, which I appreciate and thank them for, you can choose to spawn the beast with a 100% chance instead of the win-streak reward. Thus, not getting an encounter with the beast at the first or even the second try is very much possible and there is always the chance of encountering it on the third win. The bosses themselves are are at a medium/hard difficulty and a dedicated boss team is recommended to win against them. I hope that this helps. Please let me know if there are any more questions regarding this. Have a wonderful day, Fusionflair
  19. Hello @Pentix22 Really sorry to hear about your situation here. Will you go online in-game and I will help you out of it? Looking forward to your reply. Wishing you a lovely rest of your day, Fusionflair
  20. Hiya Cool no worries, glad that all is in order and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Will be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to make a new one in case of any other questions or issues in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  21. What do you see upon selecting, 1. Charizard?
  22. Hiya @Masskiller o/ Can you provide us with screenshots of the options at the Painter Fabio NPC inside any Department Store while showing that you have the Chroma in your bag? Looking forward to your reply.
  23. Hello there again @Valourance I have split the topic and will reply you here. That was a parting post of the person there and they also put their reasons to not play this game anymore due to some upcoming changes. Not all players will be happy with this change, and there are a lot of questions regarding this which we are waiting on more information on and will be addressed in an upcoming Discord Announcement. Below in the quote I will list you everything you need to know regarding the upcoming merger. These changes are a part and parcel of updates in an MMO game, so if you have any more questions regarding this please feel free to let me know. You can also check the most recent Discord Announcement from one of our Developers in the Official Discord Server(click to join). I am really glad to hear that you are liking the game so far, and wish you all the best in your journey with us. Wishing you a wonderful rest of your day, Fusionflair
  24. Hello again Sorry didn't notice your other question there, earlier. The Dragonite you are mentioning was traded from you to Immortalrager on November 5th 2023, 14:13 GMT+0. That is all the info I can give you about it. Will follow up with you again about the XMAS Charizard mount once I get a solution from our Content Scripters.
  25. Hiya again Yes there are no more clone names on Discord, each username is unique.
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