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Everything posted by Rockyraccoon

  1. Can you provide the screenshots of what Georgiana says to you? Also screenshots of what happens when you interact with the cell bars? Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  2. So after talking to Warden Noisia NPC, have you interacted with Boss George's cell? Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  3. Head for Pewter Jail now, like @Alenerickman said, and speak to Warden Noisia. Then you will be able to access Boss George's cell by interacting with the cell bars. Looking forward for your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  4. Greetings again @Vunac12, What prevents you to finish the Legendary Event Move Quest? Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  5. Greetings @Enderglace, Sorry for the inconvenience. Delete all PRO Files from your device then download it again HERE! Please, let me know if that works! Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  6. Greetings @Vunac12, Sorry for the inconvenience. To be able to fight Boss George, you need to do the Legendary Event Moves Quest. Can you check these 2 links and confirm everything that you have done please? Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  7. Greetings @Danwan, The Prowiki keeps being updated day after day, but some things are still missing. I'm sorry! I have forwarded the missing informations in order to be added! You can teach V-Create and Bolt Strike to Victini by using the Tutor in Crater Town House 8. Please let me know if that works! Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  8. Greetings @Infinitespace, Sorry for the inconvenience. But this is not a bug! Volcarona can learn Giga Drain with Move Tutor Erika, in the Viridian Maze. As your question is answered, I will now lock this topic. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  9. Have you tried my solution with the Groomers? Because your pokemon is already level 100, I advice to try this solution Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  10. Greetings @Therecklesss17, Sorry for the inconvenience. Chingling evolves with Full Happiness by Night. Are you sure you have met both requirements? There is another way for level 100 pokemon. You gonna faint your poke once to lower the happiness, then heal your pokemon in a pokecenter. Then you will go to the Groomers in Goldenrod Underground, and raise the happiness again from them. Do not forget that it still need to be Night! Let me know about the result! Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  11. Greetings @Nhokkio79. Your Pokemon has been restored. In the future, please use your Restore Pokemon Megathread, or the Request-chat in our PRO Discord. I will now lock this topic King regards RockyRaccoon
  12. Hey again @Shineycharizard, Like I said according to our datas, nothing is wrong. You relogged since then and nothing has happened anymore, and might even have correct the little bug you endured. I'm sorry if that was not the answer you expected. Do not hesitate to contact us again anyway! I will now lock this topic. Kind regards, Take care RockyRaccoon
  13. Greetings again @Shineycharizard, It has been verified again. According to our datas, you have bought and sold the 2 BMS. There is no possibility of a missing BMS. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  14. Greetings @Shineycharizard, Sorry for the inconvenience. It seems that you have 2 Black Medalions in your backpack, and you sold 2 to Shineywartortle. Can you confirm? Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  15. Greetings @Shadowman69, Sorry for this inconvenience. Can you provide a screenshot of what is happening please? Might really help to fix your problem! Looking forward to your response Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  16. Greetings @Darkspot The ralts appears to be in your pc. If that happens again, please use our Restore Pokemon Megathread, or the Request-Chat in our PRO Discord. I will now lock this topic. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  17. Greetings @Jccelmar23, Your Black Medalions have been restored! I will now locked this request! I wish you a great day Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  18. Greetings @Rutuja4788, Sorry for the inconcenience! I have restored your Fennekin. In the future, like @Lugario said, please use the Restore Pokemon Megathread, or the Request-Chat in our PRO Discord for this kind of requests! I wish you a great day! I will now lock this topic! Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  19. Greetings @Dickenscyder, You can check the Dashboard, as @Sayan12345678 said, to know what happened. Thanks to @Lacomus for the Discipline Appeals link! I will now lock this topic Regards RockyRaccoon
  20. Rockyraccoon


    Greetings @Gonx2, The Summer Tournament Reroll Reward is indeed tradable, thanks @Lyn1311 for the previous answer! Here are all the informations concerning the 2024 Summer Tournament. You have concerns concerning being scammed during a trade. To prevent this, it is adviced to screenshot everything related to the trade : exchanged messages with the other player, trade window, etc... Here is a link on How to report! It is adviced to read it carefully before doing any reports. Everything will be done to fix the scam, if any was proven. I hope this answers your concerns. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  21. Greetings @Jccelmar23, Sorry for the inconvenience. I have forwarded your problem. Now, I'm gonna ask a little patience as the problem needs to be investigated. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  22. Greetings @Caell, Sorry for this inconvenience. Your Latios has been restored! In the future, please use our Restore Pokemon Megathread if something similar happens again. Also, Boss Nikola can't be used to reset IVs on your Legendary. You must use Rerolls. As the problem is solved, I will now lock this topic Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  23. Hello @Yukine1409! Welcome in PRO! Very glad to hear you already enjoy it! Congratulations on beating the two first Leagues also! As the item Fairy Feather is from Gen9, it doesn't exist in PRO. But we have the Pixie Plate here, and it has the same effect! You can indeed find it by digging Concerning the Sevii Island, you simply need to talk to the Sevii Sailor in Vermillion City, with an active Membership. You also need to be Kanto Champion, but you already are! In case you haven't joined yet, here is our PRO Discord! And if you have any concerns about our Game Rules...! I wish the best hunts! Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  24. Greetings @Priya78, Sorry for the inconvenience, but very happy to learn that your problem is fixed. Do not hesitate to contact us again if needed. As there is nothing more that can be done to help, I will now lock this topic. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
  25. Greetings @Larko, First, here is a link to our Game Rules. Concerning your question, the Rule 4 is pretty clear about it : I hope this answers your question! I will now lock this topic. Kind regards RockyRaccoon
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