Hey there everyone this [glow=red]ShadowRanger[/glow] co-founder of [glow=red]StateFarm[/glow] an [glow=red]International guild[/glow] on your very own [glow=white]blue[/glow] server.
This guild was born 2 days ago in Battle chat by a group of aspiring [glow=red]Pvpers[/glow] and [glow=red]Pokemon lovers[/glow] and is one of the first guilds in the game. The guild includes some of the best pvpers in the servers and some of the craziest Pokemon fanatics ever but more importantly we just love to have [glow=red]fun[/glow] and lend each other a hand. What makes this guild unique is our variety of [glow=red]competitive yet friendly events[/glow] ranging from [glow=red]hide and seek[/glow], [glow=red]treasure trails[/glow], [glow=red]tournaments[/glow] and much more with incredible prizes such as [glow=red]shiny Pokemon[/glow],[glow=red] rare Pokemon[/glow] and [glow=red]cash prizes[/glow] :devil:
[glow=red]The official application process has officially started and our doors are open for everyone who is friendly and is of good moral code[/glow] :Shy:
-Currently there is an application fee of 15,000$(all proceeding will go to help sponsor the events and giveaways so no profit is actually made of them)
To apply simply Message me on the forum or in the game on my IGN ShadowRanger and make sure to include:
1. Your IGN.
2. Your Timezone.
3. Your favourite pokemon
4.Why you'd want to join StateFarm
5. What are the things you love about the vast world of pokemon!
[glow=red]In this vast of Pokemon We pledge to lend you a helping hand and guide you to power but most importantly create new bonds of friendship that can overcome all obstacles![/glow]
Stay tuned for our Discord Channel, Facebook Group and official website releasing soon!
Thank you for reading and I wish you the very best on your future ! :Cool: