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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. Hey there everyone this [glow=red]ShadowRanger[/glow] co-founder of [glow=red]StateFarm[/glow] an [glow=red]International guild[/glow] on your very own [glow=white]blue[/glow] server. This guild was born 2 days ago in Battle chat by a group of aspiring [glow=red]Pvpers[/glow] and [glow=red]Pokemon lovers[/glow] and is one of the first guilds in the game. The guild includes some of the best pvpers in the servers and some of the craziest Pokemon fanatics ever but more importantly we just love to have [glow=red]fun[/glow] and lend each other a hand. What makes this guild unique is our variety of [glow=red]competitive yet friendly events[/glow] ranging from [glow=red]hide and seek[/glow], [glow=red]treasure trails[/glow], [glow=red]tournaments[/glow] and much more with incredible prizes such as [glow=red]shiny Pokemon[/glow],[glow=red] rare Pokemon[/glow] and [glow=red]cash prizes[/glow] :devil: [glow=red]The official application process has officially started and our doors are open for everyone who is friendly and is of good moral code[/glow] :Shy: -Currently there is an application fee of 15,000$(all proceeding will go to help sponsor the events and giveaways so no profit is actually made of them) To apply simply Message me on the forum or in the game on my IGN ShadowRanger and make sure to include: 1. Your IGN. 2. Your Timezone. 3. Your favourite pokemon 4.Why you'd want to join StateFarm 5. What are the things you love about the vast world of pokemon! [glow=red]In this vast of Pokemon We pledge to lend you a helping hand and guide you to power but most importantly create new bonds of friendship that can overcome all obstacles![/glow] Stay tuned for our Discord Channel, Facebook Group and official website releasing soon! Thank you for reading and I wish you the very best on your future ! :Cool:
  2. Tbh some people love to roleplay , preferably a choice where you can either be good or evil. that concept has never been implemented in a game before and I believe that kind of concept would work extremely well with a game of this style! why be team rocket when you can be more evil and cooler :Cool: or if you wanna be the hero then why not be a Ranger! preserving pokemon and defending the weak! Faction special clothing should be added as well as special faction quests and pokemon! :y:
  3. Addition of emotes in some chat channels is very important as it could help express some emotions felt also allowing players to link in private chat :Shy:
  4. Sounds quiet interesting to be honest, I'd say if the ability to reset Iv's was added along with that, now it would be very much worth it :y:
  5. I totally agree on that Absol mount would be the next big thing! Who doesn't want one! :Grin:
  6. Would u play pokemon on gameboy if it took 30 days to level each pokemon to 100? then it would take 180 days to complete a team and over a couple of years to just finish the pokemon games! This game is perfect just the way it is! There is no way of making changes in the game without altering the storyline or the natural flow of the game. As a Pokemon MMO this game is flawless :y:
  7. Also having Legendary pokemon achievable in the game at an easily should not be added, Achieving of mew is great due to the intense difficulty and I think any legendary added should not be easy to get. You need blood, sweat and tears for what you reap! :y:
  8. Goodluck to everyone and may the best trainer win! :y:
  9. Keep up the great work! Love how this game only moves forward and now back like the others! :D
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