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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. ● What's your IGN? Rhulk ● How old are you? 30 ● Where are you from? Usa ● What's your total playtime? ~500-600 hr ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvP and farming epics! ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Sadly don’t have any he extra free time And Of course Endoof is the best!
  2. Free bump so I can follow post
  3. Pretty big list, but if you wanna sell me these or work out deal to get them for me then I’ll buy them, shoot me a message! Cyndaquill Sentret Hoothoot Cleffa Togipi Mareeep Sudowoodo Poliwag/whirl Aipom Sunkern Murkrow Unknown Pineco Delibird Mantyke Zigzagoon Slakoth Azurill Nosepass Mawile Meditite Plusle Minun Gulpin Numel Spinda Trapinch Zangoose Selviper Baltoy Castform Kecleon Chimecho Spheal Lucdisk Clampearl Turtwig Shinx Pachiricsu Shellos Drifloon Glameow Bonsley Mimejr Chatot Spiritomb Munchlax Hippopotas Carnivine Lickytounge Tepig Purrloin Musharna Pidove Zebstrika Roggenrola Woobat Timburr Sawk Sewaddle Petlil Sandile Marcstus Archeops MinCinnino Gothitelle Ducklett Deerling Foongus Frillish Alomomala Elgyem Axew Elekid Mienfoo Boufflant Rufflet Fletchling Skrelp Tyrunt Inkay Spritzee Pancham Skiddo Binacle Clauncher Ursaring
  4. closed thanks!!
  5. Ayy congrats. I’ll be online in like 40~ mins
  6. ?
  7. Congrats. ninja still has 3~4 hour left!
  8. 3.4
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