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About Nathan

  • Birthday 01/13/2000

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    IT and Media Studies student.
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Veteran Trainer

Veteran Trainer (7/12)



  1. NAME CHANGE Username: JollyolNathan New Username: Nathan Server to charge the money from: Silver
  2. The changes to speed aren't too important in my opinion. I think we should keep what we have right now, there has never been a demand to change it before and I don't see it being a necessity. As other users mentioned too, we shouldn't aim to be a carbon copy of the main games. I'm content with how it is right now.
  3. Thank you :)
  4. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Walrosskastanie. Friendliest: Setzuen. Funniest: TheJollyPear. Coolest: BurdyBurns. Comeback Player of the Year: Clockspeed. Most Talkative: PharaoMage. Most Trustworthy: Sugarred9. Most Helpful: Scorpia. Most Missed: Mayelesa. Most Influential: Fadoka. Most Intriguing: CelestialRose. (Buddyyyy ). STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Noisia. Best CC: Shaui. Best MOD: Koujaku. Best CS: Artoriel. Best Artist: SirMeowington. Best Mapper: Spectify. Most Professional Staff: Red. Most Friendly Staff: Xaiyah. Most Dedicated Staff: Suhuzen. Most Honorable Former Staff: LaFleur.
  5. Fippsie's work is great! I couldn't recommend her enough :3
  6. Nathan


  7. Hey, didn't see these here. :x We're currently got recruitment on pause, kinda. If you want to apply, you're more than welcome to however the Karps leaders are all very busy with stuff at the moment.
  8. Bump :)
  9. Welcome to the new Karps :)
  10. Thanks for applying to the guild. I'll send you an invite link to our Discord server shortly :D
  11. Thanks for applying to the guild! I'll invite you both to the Discord server shortly ^^
  12. Check out my guild, Karps. We're pretty laid back and always looking for new players to join :) You can fill in the form on our forum page if you're interested ^^
  13. Hi :) Thanks for applying. Check your PMs in a second, I'll send you guys an invite to our Discord server as soon as I can ^^
  14. Check out my guild, Karps. We're always looking for friendly and active players to join ^^
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