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Everything posted by Envymeister

  1. Buy Careful Poison Heal Gliscor, or Gligar. EPIC or Godly All stats other than sp.atk over 20, hp over 27. Budget 8m
  2. 950k BO by Amd123
  3. 800k BO by Kaitomew
  4. Sold Insta
  5. 2m CC's = 450k RR = 750k
  6. Well event will be over 11/January, so in around what 7 days...
  7. I know its not 20+, sp.def is rip. but if u interested do tell me
  8. U won the auction ^^ please let me know when u are online
  9. Noted as BO, end 9:26AM GMT +0 tomorrow 30/12
  10. btw if its 48hrs, means 3hrs19mins left it started 4:40 when autobots started ;D Also 2.7m
  11. bump
  12. Honedge added
  13. sold Venu
  14. Jelli Sold
  15. Bump
  16. Bump
  17. Marowak Sold https://gyazo.com/796d3003409933bd494ab135fa382e5b
  18. Start offer - 150k Min Bid - 50k Insta - 1M Time- 48hrs after first bid Payment: Pokedollars CC = 420k IV Reroll = 750k
  19. https://gyazo.com/f4e98437494df2aa118ffb0c6f5167bc
  20. sorry couldnt attend im give u my discord: eNvy#9600
  21. I can meet now Verm plz
  22. I will be around in 11 hours from this post.
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