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Everything posted by Purplemauth

  1. Thanks, you're current offer. Auction ends in 2 days. (Feb 23, 10:36 am CST)
  2. this is in goldenrod Flower shop. This was talking after she gave me the Squirtbottle. However, this entire NPC has no punctuation, even before this talk.
  3. Thank you for everything Shamac. You will be fondly missed. All the best with work and your health!
  4. No problem. Good luck on your adventure. :)
  5. You can rebattle NPCs every 7 days I believe. I would try then. Otherwise, probably not.
  6. the filter which changes the 3 letter word that starts with an F to [nice person] needs to be filitered so that the coffin pokemon named Cofagrigus doesnt look like that.
  7. As the title says.
  8. Due to forum issues, I'm resetting the timer for an additional two days since it's been down for two days.
  9. You're c.o. Auction ends Feb 14 at 1:44 CST (7:44 Forum time)
  10. Did you try all 3 pokeballs with the other starters? Did you talk to Oak? Pikachu is obtainable as starter, just ask around!
  11. [glow=red]All sales are 2 day auction from when first bid is posted. Minimum 10k increase per bid[/glow] I accept cc=350k small ms=175k reroll ticket=300k nature reroll=150k
  12. Different staff. Thor used to do it (I assume since he made this thread), among a hundred other things. There's no reason new staff would be digging through threads to find tiny changes like this. All you needed to do was bump this thread and I'm sure your changes would have been noticed.
  13. as the title says. Spread the pink love! :Heart:
  14. Purplemauth


    Its been worked on since Sinnoh was released. It is being planned. As for why it's not in, I do not know. But the plan is for it to be (eventually) implemented.
  15. I haven't heard a single person complain about this yet. Is your guild all in the same area? Has your ISP changed recently? As Letrix mentioned. going between areas has nothing to do with game update, its purely your internet loading the next area. When you try to enter an area, you're sending a signal that your map needs to change, the signal is received, and the map loads. That is reliant on your connection. Similarly, do you have other programs running in the background like YouTube, video/music streaming, Steam downloading a game/update? Are there other people on your network using applications like I just mentioned? Are you using a shared network with lots of other users?
  16. When you head north on Route 36 and appear on Route 37, if you take the right most option you appear behind a tree and can only move sideways, which forces you back into Route 36.
  17. Random troubleshooting - Mt Coronet has like a hundred tunnels. I think the way to get through to snowpoint is going via Celestic town entrance. Are you sure you're not at the way to go to the pinnacle?
  18. Can't wait! Staff has been working super hard it seems. So much content and updates since xmas :y:
  19. PRO servers go down from time to time, you can check about the server status in Discord or with this link ---> https://pokemonrevolution.net/serverstatus.php Similarly, don't ask about server status, it's the #1 rule of the forum
  20. Names can't be changed unfortunately. You are free to make 2 accounts per email address, so if you wanted to make another one you can easily.
  21. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 27/01/18 - All movesets added! - All bosses/rewards/requirements <r><QUOTE author="Jingos" post_id="506626" time="1518206270" user_id="886660"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="PurpleMauth" post_id="506585" time="1518195475" user_id="738044"><s> </e></QUOTE> Updated guys <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> Saphirr boss still is Work In Progress, but soon we will have all info <e> </e></QUOTE> Can't use snorlax against Saphirr either.</r>
  22. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 27/01/18 - All movesets added! - All bosses/rewards/requirements <t>From Kaminokage:<br/> <br/> Saphirr boss (route 227) Need a fire type and rock climb to access the boss <br/> (possibly need to do Heatran quest as a requirement)<br/> <br/> Groudon - Hammer arm, dark pulse, fire blast, earthquake <br/> Heatran - magma storm<br/> Kingdra - outrage, ice beam, flash cannon<br/> Quagsire - brick break, acid spray<br/> Talonflame - acrobatics<br/> Mega Mewtwo Y -psyshock, ice beam <br/> <br/> 28k and 5 focus sashes</t>
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