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Everything posted by Purplemauth

  1. The only thing I'll say about the teleporters is that it lacks consistency. The first three regions are in order which you encounter them, then Sinnoh is alphabetical. I don't care which is used but pick one. I agree with the additional area, something that is devoid of poison/ground/rock types. Trying to raise something that doesnt have a super effective move is awful, and with cerulean cave you can get flinch haxed on Golbat, Arbok uses the powerful broken move Belch, and Graveler has sturdy so it will hold on then either explode or dent you. Daily reward, sure, yeah. More progression is better. I asked for a month or two to take shiny lock off of excas, cause agreed. You sort of make money off of them but like, ehh.
  2. So... this?
  3. Good luck Thor. Appreciate what you've brought to PRO since the start. All the best.
  4. For those of you looking for a strategy for the Summer Guardians - Forretress set up then use Azumarill. It works for both.
  5. You need to also have 6 level 100 pokemon, in addition to having completed the quest.
  6. Animations just slow down your leveling process. Try turning on a movie or listening to music or something. You think watching the same flamethrower animation 100 times over and over again is going to make grinding more enjoyable? Personally, I would rather have staff working on new content and additions rather than move animations (which many players, myself included, have turned off entirely anyways).
  7. That's because the server is locked, as it reads. You will need to be patient in the meantime. Likewise, as the rules at the top of this subforum read: Do not ask about the server status here. Your topic will be locked instantly.
  8. Since Greninja learns Dark Pulse via TM in the original games, you need to go to the TM Tutor, located in Ecruteak City. Tutors are slightly different than TM tutors, as TM tutors are meant to replaces TM's that PRO doesn't have implemented, and since Greninja learns Dark Pulse via TM, that's where you need to go. It should work fine there. :D
  9. Yeah, will always get a +1 from me. The more customization the better.
  10. Squirtle squad
  11. There's no estimated time. Moves get coded when they can. There are some moves, to my knowledge, that simply cannot be coded. Likewise, moves like bide, or imprison, are lacking relative importance - as they are often just filler moves and are never used in PvP or PvE moveset.
  12. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28126-url There is already a comprehensive list of non working moves in PRO. They are all documented and known.
  13. Sold to dawn. Can be closed.
  14. First offer from dawn. 72 hour auction has begun.
  15. Sold in game to Dawn/Madara.
  16. I dont think Sinnoh is THAT bad, it probably wouldn't hurt to remove a line or two, but the one that should definitely be addressed is Love Island. It has way too much text IMO.
  17. Sold to you, pm me here or Discord PurpleMauth#3599 when you can :)
  18. No, I mean in the sense that a lot of times in the past when I used Gengar, it was because of the Levitate ability it used to have. It would cause NPC pokes to use Earthquake on you and it would always miss. Now, since it has Cursed Body ability, you faint to Earthquake. Haunter still has Levitate, which is why we use it.
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