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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. SS1 SS2 Cant access to my inbox messages. Press on Screenshots for more info. Greetings
  2. What a symphatic guy. I like turtles and keep that post in mind :D Greetings
  3. Hello guys. I want to sell my Xmas Chandelure [spoiler=Chandelure] Only 100k steps (will change it later) Accepting CC (250k) Insta is 5m Best offer so far is from M0nday with 2,8m Greetings
  4. I'm still in love with the black absol Mount. The hustle to get this mount was real! 750 games in one season.
  5. Farewell Shamac/Rider. Thank you for everything. The time that u spent to make pro better for us. The time that you have spent to manage and other staff things. I will remember you always as a friendly and professional staff. Do you remember our first contact? Anduin invited you to a league game. U played adc and I supported u with thresh. That game dude . Ez carry. Farewell Bro. I hope we keep the contact ign, per Discord or in LoL. If you need a carry just let me know Greetings
  6. Bump for my lovely guild :)
  7. Bumperino for the best guild :)
  8. Ehm lol... Just lol xD
  9. Good article with many examples Greetings
  10. Re: The New Year Fight :D <t>Lul<br/> CyBeR54 and CyBeR54<br/> <br/> IM HYPED!</t>
  11. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>I offer my S goodra from the first page. And can add maybe up to 8m or bit more</t>
  12. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>And i can also add money :)</t>
  13. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>Y i can also add some things<br/> <br/> Greetings</t>
  14. Can be closed Greetings
  15. gz jadontombs
  16. 9 minutes left guys
  17. 2 hours left
  18. 6 hours left guys
  19. Last bump... Last day guys :)
  20. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <r>1 for 1 trade<br/> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  21. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <t>Ty for that walkthrough helped a lot</t>
  22. [glow=red]Ma boi dont do that to me :( I remember ur visit in hamburg like it was yesterday. I dont need 2 write that much here because u already know. Have a great Christmas and a New year buddy. And lets shave all these raves in Poke1 :lul: Oh favourite non-legy is Gliscor, Wobbuffet and favourite legy is M Rayquaza for sure the god of pokemon. I doesnt celeberate Christmas tbh but i like the atmosphere around it. Greetings from ur homeboy [/glow][glow=red]CyBeR54[/glow]
  23. [glow=red]MEMBER CATEGORY[/glow] Smartest: Envymeister Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Unfriendly Coolest: C9Blastoise Comeback Player of the Year: Quanle92 Most Talkative: Goldmariechen Most Trustworthy: Barney, Darkhaehnchen Most Helpful: Walrosskastanie Most Missed: Phime Most Influential: Clockspeed and Downsystem as my Hearthstone teacher Most Intriguing: Downsystem for the Xmas Dratini :) [glow=red]STAFF CATEGORY[/glow] Best GM: Suhuzen Best CC: Calahan Best MOD: Eaty! Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Ashwestbrook (Giratina Wings r insane) Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Quakkz aka Cantstopwontstop Most Friendly Staff: Shamac Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac Most Honorable Former Staff: Quakkz aka Cantstopwontstop
  24. Bumperino again
  25. Ty sir :)
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