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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. wish u good luck with it ma friend
  2. Sup guys im searching for a Charmander and a Amoonguss. The charmander should be jolly and have 31 spd high atk (25+) hp should be over 20 and def and spdef not less than 18. If possible 20+ too. Doesn´t need to be HA. I can pay(depends on stats) min.:1,5m up to 4m if u keep the conditions above. I want to buy a 20+ Hp Fire Shroom in Bold with Regenerator ofc. If you have one and you want to sell it pm me we can talk about the price. Greetings
  3. This shop was created by CyBeR54 Let me know if you have any Questions! All prices are negotiable! Items are not included! You can PM via Forums, Ingame or in discord! Ingame: Cybershop Discord: CyBeR54#1953 Cash=Pokedollars Coin Capsule = 425k Nature Reroll = 375k IV Reroll = 750k 500k+ 250k+ 249k-100k Less than 100k Larvitar and Pupitar Prices from high to low
  4. Nice Good luck to everyone Greetings
  5. I heard u need 290+ points with a regular poke to get a Volcarona wings. And 400+ points with a shiny one but the price is the same. Would be cool if you get a Shiny volcarona wing for it instead of regular Volca wings. Its almost impossible to get a shiny poke in bca. Could be a nice and pretty cool exclusive item. Greetings
  6. A bit hyped for the alolan pokes :P Greetings
  7. Hello my name is CyBeR54, I want to suggest a move which is called "Cosplay". Its similar to Role play but it checks the Hidden Power instead of the ability. Would be nice if its possible to add. I suggest this because its frustrating to see epic mons without the hp i need Greetings
  8. I'm in and I will win Greetings
  9. Do u have Discord and would you write me there?
  10. Cyber54


    Hey there is no Mailbox on several Sevii Islands, would be cool if you can add it ^^ Greetings
  11. Imo normal bosses should drop PvE coins aswell. Greetings
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