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Everything posted by Mercurius

  1. A gladiator party for a fellow friend from all staff members old and new. May I hope your future endeavors blossom into beautiful petals. We'll miss you dearly.
  2. Enjoy the new position. Hope to be seeing you in the future!
  3. Welcome young trainer!
  4. Welcome back my good friend. I do hope you enjoy your stay as PRO always welcome old members with open arms.
  5. Moved thread to correct board as you posted this in the incorrect trade board. Please review the Overall Trade Rules regarding posting in this particular parent board. Kind regards, Mercuirus
  6. See ya my dude.
  7. General belated birthday to our community members. Hope you enjoy the +1 closer to becoming an old person.
  8. Eaty didn't get the chance to post the logs in the Update Logs, though he did via the PRO Official Discord Announcements which I posted a photo of below. [spoiler=Update Log] I recommend joining the Official Discord so you can gain on time record of what occurs to the game. You can join by clicking the link here.
  9. Thanks for all the advice you have given me. Hope to be seeing you around in the future as you won't be forgotten good friend.
  10. Hope to see you in the future. Safe days to you my friend.
  11. The servers was currently down for MAINTENANCE. The client was also recently updated so I recommend re- downloading the client which I linked below. If you have Windows, you can disregard as your client should update for you when you open it. https://pokemonrevolution.net/download.php I also honestly recommend joining the Official Discord, so you will be informed in the future when a Server Maintenance occurs in the future. Here's a link to it also below. https://discord.gg/98pMNxq
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