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Everything posted by Megaflygon

  1. What are sych pokemons? and it probably wont happen.
  2. You already posted it a couple of days ago and it got answered.
  3. To dig you need 151 happiness. You gain happiness by KOing Pokemon and walking with your Pokemon for a while. You can check your Pokemon's happiness by typing "/happy 1-6" in chat. For your Cyndaquil it would be "/happy 1" as it is in the first slot. He already has 151+ happiness if you look at the picture i think this is some bug Get it to full happiness just in case.
  4. Cant you just make a different channel then?
  5. Wait for a staff member to teleport you out.
  6. I support this good idea :)
  7. Shiny Golbat was first then i got Shiny Wooper but i sold him ;( later i found a Shiny Hoothoot, Shiny fearow, Shiny quagsire, Shiny Geodude and Shiny Hariyama. And i got more but i bought them
  8. You need proof such as screenshots. next time trade evo with someone you trust.. (If this was a trade to get haunter into gengar)
  9. Did you use revives/potions? that also helps alot and yes i know it costs cash :P
  10. Are you trying to become a creepypasta or something? Lol.
  11. His imaginary girlfriend. Lmao He's clearly a lonely no life guy. xD Well that is a bit rude. Edit: I just saw the other post i think you're right..
  12. I have never ever played final fantasy i might pick this one up for Xbox when it releases.
  13. Double failed delete this pls someone
  14. yep :) I tried that now . ( what is there to reinstall , basically u just unzip it and its done) or I am missing something ? Just unzip and start the .exe thats all Edit: Make sure to keep the .exe in the folder or it wont start at all
  15. Both servers are online but server is also having trouble it might cause you not to be able to login. Like Jolly said try to reinstall and just spam that login button till it says Logging in.
  16. RNGesus really hates you man...
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