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About Ponzoootv

  • Birthday October 17

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. - Sold to ElTurco66 -
  2. I would like to join your Guild after the Red/Blue Server Merge. ● What's your Name/IGN? PonzoooTV ● Are you active in Discord? Yes -> PonzoooTV#2127 ● Where are you from? Germany ● What's your playtime? How often do you play PRO? 1000h on Blue | Playing multiple hours a Day ● What's your goal in PRO? Reaching the Top 25 as soon as possible ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I would like to join a Guild, because PRO is not only a Game where you play alone. It's a Game with much more and Chaos offers definetly all good Reasons to join a Guild. You are from different Countries, active and the Presentation of your Guild is awesome. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Entei - he is an awesome Dog - so Majestetic and it was my first Legendary on Game Boy ● What's your favorite animal and why? Koala - he eats and sleeps - definetly what i love to do.
  3. What is one of the biggest Issues why People stop Playing PRO? At the Endgame PVP is the most "wanted" Way to play the Game, beside farming better PVP Pokes. Meanwhile the Stall Meta is making people getting annoyed so they stop playing PRO because there is NO SENSE to play this Game anymore. The "New Game" is propably being released 2017 - 1 good point to stop PRO aswell. Sinnoh is fun. But its Done fast and there are maybe 2 farming Spots to farm. Boring. The "new" Island. Boring. Just make PVP playable again. Or at some point you are going to have 60 Minute PVP Games with Teams running 6 Stalls. GG PRO
  4. no, thanks for this not sensefull post. kkthxbye
  5. yes it is 400k for it ok ? Okay hook me up Ingame ;)
  6. Schaut einfach mal hier vorbei -> Deutsche Gilde Neosphere
  7. ** Staraptor sold INGAME **
  8. For Terminator you need to be Sinnoh Champion and have 400h Gametime.
  9. Boss : Terminator Location: Mt. Silver Team: Moltres, Porygon-Z, Bastidon, M-Agrron, Empoleon, Mewtwo Reward: 23k + 5 Rare Candies
  10. [glow=red]Dratini - level 18 - Love Island - M/D/N - Azurill/Carvanha & [/glow][glow=green]Clamperl[/glow] [glow=red]spawn as well[/glow] Evolve Clamperl due a Trade to Huntail - gg ez ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [NEW spawns ~ 8/18/2017] ◄
  11. It's Possible with an Impish Thick Fat Snorlax solo. Curse Amnesia Earthquake Thunder Punch Some Hyper/Max Potions and lets go.
  12. Re: [WIP] PokeShop <t>** renew the First Post **<br/> ** Bump **</t>
  13. Re: NoMercy Guild Shop (Last update: 12.08) <r><E>:banned:</E></r>
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