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Everything posted by Marting

  1. 5520
  2. 6114
  3. 102k
  4. Please let non-sinnoh champion join suspect test, just make the suspect pokes and zcrystal unusable in pve or story. Im lazy to complete story but i rely wan to try new stuffs.
  5. Greetings. Since Gen7 are slowly implementing in pro, please do add an event tutor teaching sludge bomb for zoroark which can only be obtained throught gen7 event. Thanks for your considerations.
  6. Hi, do you accept trade for my Zombie Chari Mount with your HW Chari Mount?
  7. Fire: Scorbunny Water: Piplup Grass: Grookey
  8. I buy taillow 200k
  9. zoroark togekiss shuckle
  10. start venu
  11. I tested with my friend when lopunny was switch into sticky web and speed -1 stage. After that, it mega and vs my poke with 271 speed. We found that mega lopunny became speed tie with 271 speed poke which is impossible. Mega lopunny -1 stage should be cal as max speed 405*2/3 = 270 speed. Hope any MOD can solve this battle bug. Have a good day!
  12. 850k
  13. 706 534
  14. 605k
  15. 500k
  16. 400k
  17. 210k Rhyperior
  18. 4073
  19. Hi, I wan to buy starly. Can you come silver plz?
  20. 70k from me
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