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Everything posted by Kenzakisumaki

  1. Server is just Offline. nothin' to worry about.
  2. (Just a Suggestion) ~ Hey, Everyone! So, Last week we're having Problems with my Friend sending him Friend Request. 'cause I live in Asia while he lives on the other side of the Earth, we missed to send each other a Friend request. Because we can't be Online together 'cause we're in different Time. (probably im online and he's asleep.) And that, i've got an Idea. Can we make Adding Friends offline Available and then Add them on Friend Request Log if possible, we can make some Friend Request LOG on "Social". This will be Great! ~Pros : -Can Add Friends even when Offline. -New Friend Request Log Pannel to see all the Incoming Friend Request. It's cool ~Cons : -Nahhhhhhhhhh (I think this will help the Community abit if they're really friendly and want to add alot of -fake- Good Friends)
  3. ~Hey, my name is Aaron. There's a thing i've been thinking alot lately. an Idea in-short. 1. ) There should be a Favorite Box that allows us to Store our Favorite or Epic pokemon in there. 2. ) and another one, there should be a Marking Option where you can Mark (check) pokemon and then Delete it. It will make our lives alot better. Instead of deleting it one by one. Isnt it fun to Mark (check) all the trash pokemon you don't want and delete them without being annoyed deleting your Three Box full of Zubats one by one? 3.) and the Sorting options. For example, I got no Pokemon on my PC. ( Box 1 are empty ) and I want to put my Pokemon on Box number 3. but the Pokemon just kept moving at Box #1. So, you can sort your Pokemons Box 1 for Fire Types and Box 2 for Electric and Box 3 for Ground types. It just feels good in the Eyes! ( I know suggestion #3 sounds dumb but hey. It's okay im just the type of a Person who want to Sort Things right lmaoo. )
  4. 1. Whats your IGN ( In Game Name) ? IGN : Kenzakisumaki 2. Why do you want to join Origin Reborn? Well, I seek Great Guilds and I think this is the ONE for ME. 3. Do you like PvP? If you do whats your favorite PvP Pokemon and why? Yeah, I love PVP. but I don't have any Favorite PVP Pokemons. they're all good. 4. Whats your favorite goal in PRO? Farming, Hunting. 5. Please provide a screenshot of your in game Trainer Card. Really couldnt do it right now. HERE's MY INFOOO! 633 Hours ingame All Kanto-Sinnoh Badges. I'd love to hangout with you guys, waiting for the response!
  5. 1. Tell us about yourself! : My name is Aaron Job. I love Editing/Animating and playing Games. 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue) : SILVER, Kenzakisumaki 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have? : All Badges Kanto-Sinnoh. 633 Hours of Playtime 4. How old are you? Where do you come from? : 16 and from Philippines 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? : Farming and Hunting Epic Pokes 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild? : Im really into this game. and I really want new friends to hangout with. Chronos sounds fun! 7. Have you been in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left. : I have been into 1 Guild before. I don't remember the name. I think it starts with Aqua. All members left, they seek new powerful guilds. Im the Leader actually. kinda heartbroking. 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why? I always love Pikachu, all Electric Types. its just lit 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group? Yeah, my pleasure False#3496 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules? : YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. yes srsly im a good boi hueuhue
  6. Hey, My name is Kenzaki. IGN : Kenzakisumaki How old are you? 16 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? All Kanto-Sinnoh Badges. 633 Hours Do you use discord? EVERYTIME <3 What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Farming and hunting Pokemons! Why would you like to be in team magma? well, I just love Team Magma. my Clothes are Team Magma so it'll be good if im in Team Magma Guild right? BLENDS! False#3496
  7. [highlight=yellow]Survey[/highlight] 1. What is your name in PRO? KenzakiSumaki 2. who is your favorite Pokemon? Mimikyu, Even tho it's not in the Game.. 3. What is your Goal in PRO? To become the Pokemon Master 4. How many hours did you play on Blue server? Over 600+ Well, i started at May 2016 iirc. 5. Age: 13 But Handsome :devil: 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have ) Yup 7. Show trainer card as well. [highlight=yellow]Application[/highlight] - Be active, I Am - 200+ hours are needed for new applicants. More than that. - Being helpful to guild members. Always - Be nice and friendly to other members. Always - Try to be on discord whenever you are on PRO. Using discord for Ages -Do not use bad words. I Don't -Do not scam new player or players. Didn't even took someone poke -Stay awesome and have fun. :Cool: :Sing:
  8. WHAT THE ???!?!?! BLUE SERVER WILL BE REMOVE OR WAHT ???? !!!! OR REPLACE? ???? :Angry: :Angry: :Angry:
  9. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <t>1. What is your IGN? kenzakisumaki<br/> <br/> 2. Why do you want to join? because i love the emblem and the name and alira is my friend :D <br/> <br/> 3. What is your favourite Pokemon? Lucario lucario is awesome can be speacial and physical too and it have a good design and stats too <br/> 4. Do you use Discord? yeah i use discord :D</t>
  10. Shane i really want that mouse :Smile: hope i win :Angel:
  11. Can you please provide more information as to where exactly you get these. HI where is tm iron tail ?
  12. where is tm iron tail ? please ? or it is eggmove on pikachu ?
  13. Re: Hoenn 7th Gym is way too EASY!!! <t>change screen recorder bro bandicam is baddd</t>
  14. Qasar Remember to give my tentacool back :thanks:
  15. im banned too i play pro for 4 months then resullt banned :'( unban my account please pro please
  16. i want to buy razor fang on blue add me : kenzakisumaki
  17. Yea Is there any Kalos Starter or Unova pokemons There ? :Smile:
  18. all pokemons on there is rare or ? whut ?
  19. u need lvl 100 ratata to go to hoenn then if you have lvl 100 ratata (you must be the ot) (ot --> original trainer ) then battle joey on indigo plateu then if you beat joey talk to hoenn traveller :) good luck guys
  20. wtb coins blue server 25c add me kenzakisumaki
  21. i want to buy coins on blue server 25c pm me on game ^^
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