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Everything posted by Soulvaki

  1. I have one person who rushes me when I don't respond fast enough. "What's a good moveset for Arcanine. Hurry" *2 minutes go by while I'm answering other PMs* "Faster, please" I'm a super chill person, but that one grinds my gears.
  2. Hiya! Welcome to PRO! Note: the game essentially is "released", so you might as well donate now. :)
  3. I just noticed this last night! Woohoo! :Sing: :Sing: :Shocked:
  4. Welcome to the community!
  5. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>^He was accepted.</t>
  6. Jumping the gun a bit. I still want to enjoy summer a bit longer before I think of fall. :P
  7. Please take discipline appeals to this forum: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32. Thanks!
  8. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="cinnaman"><s> </e></QUOTE> Check your pm, y0.</r>
  9. Hey there! Welcome to PRO! Nice name! I hope you have a fantastic time!
  10. About time you swing by here. :P Welcome to the forums!
  11. Are you on the right server? Did you disconnect during a battle and lose 5% of your money?
  12. Hello there! Welcome to PRO! Check out the game guides section if you have questions on anything!
  13. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="Landon1424"><s> </e></QUOTE> Check your PM! (Nice Sylveon. :D)</r>
  14. Hey there! Welcome to PRO! Hope you love your time here! What server are you playing on?
  15. It's not that bad to me, but I'm also always doing something else besides JUST PRO, be it discord, irc, Youtube, or actual work.
  16. In 98, it was drawn like one of the artist's french girls.
  17. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] This soundtrack is sooo good.
  18. Hello! Welcome to PRO! Check out the game guides section if you need help on anything!
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