Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="Cemyboy"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey cemyboy, thanks for applying for our guild :3 I'll send you the discord link by pms :3 <E>:kiss:</E></r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="Brokenwindz"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey o/ sorry for the late reply ;-; (finals at school :( I'll send you the discord link by pms :3 (PS:Thank you for applying for our guild :3 ) <E>:y:</E></r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="jhaydenite"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey jhaydenite thank you for applying for our guild :3, I will send you the discord link <E>:y:</E></r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="marcstef"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey marc thanks for applying for our guild, I'll send you the discord link in pms^^</r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="Porkchop11"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey porkchop thanks for applying for our guild :3 and wow 24badges in only 360hrs. I'll send you the discord server link^^</r>
Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="Juzinek"><s> </e></QUOTE>
hey juzinek welcome to pro^^ I'll sned you the discord link (ps:i love riolu <3)</r>