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Please download the game directly from here: https://download2328.mediafire.com/j3w3ttjd043g/2kjzzmmr0kra325/PROClient_64.zip Once downloaded extract to desired location using someething like 7zip. Right click on the compressed file and open it with 7zip or winrar: https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-x64.exe
Why being hush hush about Alolan Pokemon spawns?
Red replied to Darksun20's topic in General Game Talk
There was one thread under "Everything About Spawns" which was trashed/moved away (whole forum) due to being unable to provide fixes and updates until a developer looks into issue. When I am able to provide fixes and updates, the forums will be restored. -
Why being hush hush about Alolan Pokemon spawns?
Red replied to Darksun20's topic in General Game Talk
As a spawn editor I can tell you that no such change came from my end. I've been having technical issues lately with my tools for spawning and no such change came from my end. I am still unable to push updates but I can tell you right away that we are not giving very rare Pokemon easily. Some need to be kept for the events some need to be kept for wild spawns for future and current areas that require a small respawn. -
The new region is done mapping pretty much. It is also heavily scripted and is soon to be finished. The plan is to introduce lots of new spawns and content. Currently, it's mostly up to scripters. We don't want to present people with a half baked cookie. Also, keep in mind that this may not be the final region we are working on. There are at least 2 major areas/regions being worked on. People had to focus on different things during this time.
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You will need to merge. Check dashboard.
Thank you guys for your kind words. We are always striving to make things better. We wouldn't be here if there is no community. Indeed some staff is not liked but there are always two sides of a coin. Many people changed their opinion when they walked into staff about those who were disliked previously, given that they obtained inside knowledge on how the stuff works in the staff. This is a hobby. It takes some nerves to serve the projects for the long term. No staff is perfect and they tend to realize that there is a place to improve, pretty sure they will sooner or later realize that. The staff serves the project and the community. Serving the project for their personal emotional gain or even material virtual one is a no go. We are always on working on making things on better. Everyone has their own role and contribution in this. Hopefully, the nice things are to come for the community. Thanks and good luck.
Unable to replicate, sadly. Try changing forum theme to something else.
Please reset your password for your main here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forgot-password Once done, you should be able to login on the forums.
Done enjoy.
Both are now level 99. Enjoy.
Done. Enjoy.
Has been done. Enjoy.
I deleveled the Pokemon after Contrary post. Enjoy.
I de-leveled your Pokemon. Enjoy.
I heavily avoid answering on these kinds of threads, but oh well. The Tony Stark quote made me chuckle a bit. Thanks, yuno for your service to both staff and players alike. You know how and where to reach me if you need.
I will PM you the new password. You can change it later.
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Hello trainers! There are several major projects for content in doing that I feel you should know about. I will note some of them down before someone leaks it the wrong way. - New Region New region is a custom approach. We call it a mini-region. But it's actually very huge. It is called Astrella, and it's done mapping wise. Region will feature a variety of spawns (gen 7 area), new content, quests, events, trade city and much more. It will be ready once script-work is done for it and once gen 7+ is fully operational, will not release it before that. Reason for a custom area is a simple one. We are unable to map anything past Unova graphic wise without having it improvised 99% and waste much time into art. The MMO setting commands a new region, so it's being delivered. With it, we will have whole game spawned with old and new Pokemon, closer to being complete. The region is currently in hands of scripters. Once they are done, I will spawn it, so you can catch some of the new Pokemon when we receive a full gen 7 update. - Unova Unova is planned and is slowly being mapped. Once it is done and ready, the whole game will be respawned from scratch due to distribution of the Pokemon around PRO world. We are also looking for mapping manpower to complete the task so that mapping side is done and ready for people to script on. - Orange Islands The Orange Islands are also being mapped and planned. Not much to say about this one. ** Note that plans may change any time. But what I said above is a current plan and it's being worked on. I want to have all mapping done before the schedule so that people can start working on the maps script wise etc. Thank you
- 189
4.11.2018 ####################################### ***NPCs added*** ####################################### ***Ash Greninja added with proper art*** Normal and Shiny + Follow sprites *** More Clones added*** ####################################### ***Pikachu forms added*** partner Alola kalos unova sinnoh Hoenn Original libre phd pop star belle rockstar cosplay ####################################### ***Items, berries,pokeballs art and desc added*** ####################################### **Fixes and updates to mega sprites** - Added missing small icons for megas+forms+others ####################################### ***Mega follows amd others added*** ####################################### ***Random move effects added*** trick room wonder room magic room ***battle effect icons added*** trick room wonder room magic room ####################################### ***mega evos mapping*** ####################################### ***some tiles added*** ####################################### ***NPC added*** ####################################### ***Pink pokes added and old updated*** (check folder some needs renaming) """Pinkan Island Forest""" Cottonee (546) -> Whimsicott 547) Pichu (172) Phanpy (231 -> Donphan 232) Smeargle (235) Pancham (674) -> Pangoro 675) Munchlax (446) -> Snorlax (143) """Pinkan Island Cliff""" Marill (183) -> Azurill (298) -> Azumarill (184) Wingull (278) -> Pelipper (279) Staryu (120) -> Starmie (121) ####################################### ***Baby Lugia added with art*** 906 ####################################### ***Crystal Steelix added and art (for npc)*** 776 Info Added ####################################### ***mega crystal steelix and art (for npc)*** Info Added ####################################### ***Pokemon icons updated and fixes*** ####################################### ***Updates and fixes to pokeball art and entries in database*** ###################################### ***Updates and fixes to pokemon data*** Mega Aggron - Type fixed landorus - Abilities fixed Mega scizor - Abilities fixed Hoopa Unbound - Typing and Ability fixed Tornadus/Landorus/Thundurus - Are now considered Legendary Yveltal - Is now considered Legendary Terrakion/Cobalion/Virizion - Are now considered Legendary Meloetta - Is now considered Legendary Zekrom - Is now considered Legendary Reshiram - Is now considered Legendary Victini - Is now considered Legendary Giratina - Is now considered Legendary Keldeo - Is now considered Legendary Every Pokemon that is supposed to be a legendary is now considered legendary ###################################### Every Pokemon has been given the sound effect Mega Pokemon now have the sound effect Generation 7+ IDs are now matching national dex ID Updates to pink pokemon art Updates to form pokemon art Made some more pink pokemon Made some more clone pokemon Added missing pokemon sprites (no follows) ################### Did shiny version of legendary mounts New items addition Changes to pokemon skills Several new clothing done Made shadow form of every pokemon. 90% done. (will be released at a later date). Not much will be said about this. Squirtle boss dude added
- 243 replies
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Hello trainers; - I recently updated the email list PRO does not support and should not resolve upon registration anymore. This is due to a massive increase in spam accounts through a single purpose mail such as temporary mail and other services that are causing several different types of issues to my staff and to an end user. Our goal is your protection and safety. The staff is able to give you full support as soon as you have access to a mail you registered with. You being unable to access the email you registered with, is not considered a secured account and a lot of problems for you may arise. This is where it is very hard to offer assistance in cases of account hijack, scams and other variables. - Our support for such cases is very limited given the nature of a mail you registered with. You should always register with an email you are able to access any time. Like the registration page suggests. If you are to ask for help regarding this under player support, the staff will do their best to assist you on this. - You can test a new blacklist put into place by trying to register an account with email provider you think that it should not be blacklisted. If a provider is blacklisted with us then you can request a whitelist by stating the issue in our support forums. Our dedicated staff member will respond to you as soon as they are able. Thanks for understanding. Red Registration page: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/register.php
- 1
Not supported currently. It would require to rewrite many aspects of the battle code and several other things. It's not known at the moment will we get it. The game is still being worked on heavily. It does offer quite decent PvP experience for 1v1, but content-wise, monsters to catch and sheer size of the game, it's a top game out there. If you are interested in a co-op and multi-battles, you can check out a very early project Shane is currently doing. He no longer works on PRO but he is making that game.
- Indeed, staff was changed several times over since then. Especially the GMs and the mappers; assuming you are referring to quakkz who was a GM back then. A lot of current staff are new people from newer times. Only staff who remained from those days, even from 2014 is Shane and me. Regarding Prehax's comment about content; I did every region and areas PRO currently has, with people who I replaced several times to get stuff done. As for the scripting, the early and mid game quests and script content were done on my request and I was writing quests and stuff for our scripters. Rest is done mostly by them because people were given more freedom later on, due to their skill level and experience. We had and still have a subforum for that stuff, everything organized properly. - Regarding your question about expressing yourself; Well, it would be bad from us if we are to forbid the freedom of speech the fundamentals of PRO allows you. However, be smart about what you say and in what manner. But judging from your behavior I see no problems or ill will coming from this. - Regarding the coins; report issue under payment issues so I can look into once able. - As for a new developer; I recruited Walross to do stuff and he quickly started doing things people need. He played a major role in the development of the website we currently have and is making a new one when he can, together with tools for staff members he alone did. He is currently on a quest to deliver PvP updates gradually as you can see from the logs we post often. The server code cannot be given overnight. It's a work of many years. Shane felt that he no longer can deliver stuff people need and ask him about which was a turning point in us giving the server code to someone else. So far, so good. And no, the server code is not an open source one. - Regarding owner stuff; Me and Shane started the game together, yes. I am just a co-owner/founder. Shane told you openly hundreds of times that he will give us the client to work on it and stuff when he releases a new project. Like in many projects, the release phase is not the best one and there is some stuff to fix to stabilize the game to better serve the end user. Some weeks ago he had issues with his bandwidth being overloaded so he was not able to upload the client for us. Even when we start working on the client I do not want anything done without his consent to begin with. We discussed the transfer of power recently and there are several things to take care of before, which I don't feel like going into details about. I hope you people had enough info about the matter in question.
See: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/download.php
Android client should work now. You can get it from here: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/download.php - PRO Droid is now a native Android application and should use less power and run somewhat better on your phone than any previous droid version of PRO.
Hello trainers. I am proud to announce to you the latest addition to the PRO team structure, which is a Spawn Editor role. Now, allow me to explain you little more about the role itself. - Years ago till recently, I was mainly working alone on the wild spawns. Sometimes, especially in newer times, some event and minor spawns were handled by other admins and so on. I've gone through spawning from the scratch to doing a last major spawn revision. So why I decided to introduce a completely new role with completely new tasks set? Simply because I felt that handful of very skilled people and people with a huge capacity of the game knowledge can do some good. Especially in the areas where the end user needs them the most, which is spawning and it's optimization. I personally can't be everpresent, let alone being up to date with the end user needs. After reviewing several maps for myself I noticed a huge place for optimization and balance. The current Spawn Editor group is composed of the following people: Brannon, Prehax, Astreus and myself. Several brains are better than one, especially if you have people there who know all about the game, grinding, hunting and end-user needs. The end user cannot and must not afford a staff member that might not be up to date with the game trends, especially for the spawns. - Spawns issues will be handled in their adequate forums where those people will moderate and solve issues reported. Some of the current agenda is to balance out Pokemon through the regions, review MS spawns and their consistency, make held items content rich and connected with the rest of the game and user needs, introduce new stuff and so on. - Suggestions/feedbacks/requests are handled here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/97256-url Thank you
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Pal Park spawns have been changed to the following: Pal Park (land) (levelrange 20-25) Pidgey, Tier 1, all day Starly, Tier 2, all day Skitty, Tier 4, all day Cubone, Tier 4, all day Slakoth, Tier 5, all day Riolu, Tier 7, Morning only Croagunk, Tier 8, Day only, MS only, levelrange 26-33 Drifloon, Tier 8, Night only Pal Park (surf) (levelrange 20-25) Magikarp, Tier 1, all day Psyduck, Tier 2, all day Golduck, Tier 2, all day Wingull, Tier 3, all day Barboach, Tier 4, all day Buizel, Tier 5, all day Spheal, Tier 5, all day Tympole, Tier 7, all day