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Everything posted by Grabarz23

  1. https://prnt.sc/dlaqc8 ppl with same bug as me
  2. after talking to santa in viriian he said that i should get presents to four cities while i have santa close on. He gave me new (beard-hat) and i went to the cities but under the christmas tress i cant put the presents , nothing is there https://prnt.sc/dl98x3 .
  3. people with the bug in saffron united together :) https://prnt.sc/dlaqc8
  4. after talking to santa in viriian he said that i should get presents to four cities while i have santa close on. He gave me new (beard-hat) and i went to the cities but under the christmas tress i cant put the presents , nothing is there https://prnt.sc/dl98x3.
  5. Re: WTS H.A Dragonite <t>moondrift wins the auction <br/> u have 24 hours to get/pay for pokemon <br/> pls add me in the game: Grabarz23</t>
  6. Re: WTS H.A Dragonite <r>c.o 650k by moondrift <br/> Last 10 minutes of auction (12:39 - 12:49pm) will be held in game chat.<br/> My IGN: Grabarz23<br/> If anything changes i will post it here <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  7. Re: WTS H.A Dragonite <t>auction will end at the 24h mark. thats 12:49pm aug 12 .</t>
  8. my game wont even start at all nothing happens when i click it
  9. i already had it on ''dont do anything '' so its not that
  10. they probably changed something with new client coz i never had any problems with the old ones
  11. PRO Username: Grabarz23 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? i was trying to play the game but the client was out of date so i downloaded new version . Know the game is not starting at all, it shows that the system its trying to launch/start something but nothing happens What have you already tried to solve the problem? i redownload the game but it didnt help. i run it on administrator mode but it didnt help. i try anty-viurs but it wasnt blocking the game same with firewall Description and Message
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