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Everything posted by Ivandecai

  1. I think the idea is great, but could be better to apply it in another way, as some people mentioned above. I think that you with your sources have the ability to take into account all % of usages of any pokemon. With that it would not be incredibly difficult to establish all existents tiers: ( uber, ou, uu, ru, nu, pu .. ) and make the ingame tournaments rotative or randomized between these modalities would make pro the perfect game competitively to be able to have variety and use all kinds of pokémon
  2. Enjoy these days! :Grin:
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 13/11/16] <t>Chuck uses now Infernape and not Primeape</t>
  4. There was a lot of talk about this in his day, and Shane said he was investigating but could not find anything to solve the problem. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=11943&p=74218&hilit=bag+freeze#p74218
  5. I think some people around here already know you a lot hehe, even so, it was time to appear after 125 posts :Cool: haha
  6. Nice to see you Han, I hope you have a great time here. :Smile:
  7. Thank you for your contribution to the community, enjoy your well deserved holidays :y:
  8. Welcome back Rex!! :Cool:
  9. I think there are no plans to translate the game, the pokemon format is simple to understand, you do not need to know much English to play smoothly.
  10. Why not something simpler like the duskull bank (mystery dungeon), but with something of interest when depositing money?
  11. Have you tried looking for blissey?
  12. How can you question an administrator after helping you? :Cry:
  13. As you say, you see very few Christmas pokemon in the chat, but you think that the event takes a few days, if from the beginning until the end of the event you continue playing the normal thing is that with 1/1000 probability you end up getting one . (Sorry double post xd)
  14. It does not seem so unfair for me, they are special pokemons that should be very rare to get.
  15. This may be a deadlock, your character has been stuck in the rollback before, if it is so until the server does not restart you will not be able to play. :Cry:
  16. Welcome to PRO! I can help you in red server if you need something! :Smile:
  17. I think it's not right to accuse people of using bots if you do not know if it's true. Try to download the client again, but it can be a problem for your pc or your net, it is normal to accumulate the largest numbers of people in the new maps.
  18. It is already open
  19. In my opinion, one of the biggest causes of this happening is a lot of things that come and stay halfway. The valencia islands, the possibility of getting the legendary bird or dog, trade enhancements, new maps, battle systems, etc. etc. I think it is better to focus on one thing and finish it. All these things are presented as future improvements, but they never end up coming, yet I think this is definitely the biggest and best fangame pokemon, but like any online game, you need new things consistently. Another important thing is the server unbalance, we took advantage of the Pokemon Go boom to open the third server when everything was collapsed, while now practically putting the three servers together is full. Another thing, you need more feedback with the less legendary staff and teaching in the chat that no player can ever get, it's only been a few hours since I play again and I've seen a ho-oh shiny 15 times. Greetings and much support, thanks to all the staff for the work you are trying to contribute
  20. random :Grin:
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