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Everything posted by Jorogumo

  1. 2.6m.
  2. I was also intrigued by this. However, upon checking trade rules, I found that it is allowed.
  3. It does not need HP Ice because it can learn Surf. You only really miss out on hitting Garchomp. It is worth 7m or more. If you ever decide to sell it, do it publicly, because you will most likely get more than whatever offers you might get in PMs.
  4. Hello. I think it would be a good idea for the timer to continue to go down if someone gets accidentally disconnected while playing a PvP match. In this case, players who disconnect and do not reconnect before the timer runs out would receive a penalty disallowing them to start a new PvP match right away. I know how frustrating it can be to lose a winnable match because of internet issues. I do not really have much more to say as the suggestion is rather self-explanatory. However, I understand that waiting for someone to reconnect can be annoying. I do not think that the timer is too long. Please let me know what you think. Thank you and have a good day!
  5. Hello. I would like to buy Feraligatr for the indicated price (4m).
  6. Hello. I am interested in both. However, you did not accept my 5m offer on Chansey in the past. I am not sure if you would accept it now. As for Seismitoad, I can offer 4m. I recently bought a decent one for 2m, but yours would be a nice upgrade.
  7. Hello. I am interested. I hope you will consider my offer. Let me know what you decide! Thank you for posting this. :)
  8. Bump! Mainly looking for: Modest Magic Guard Clefable (28+ IVs) Timid Contrary HP Fire Serperior (28/30 speed, 20+ IVs) Relaxed/Sassy Regenerator HP Ice Tangrowth (25+ IVs) Bold Magic Guard Clefable (31 speed, 28+ IVs) Calm/Bold/Sassy Regenerator HP Fire Amoonguss (24+ IVs) Sassy Iron Barbs Ferrothorn (28+ IVs, low speed) Timid Natural Cure Starmie (31 speed, 26+ IVs) Bold Natural Cure Chansey (28+ def/sp def, 24+ IVs, sp atk doesn't matter) Jolly Sand Stream Tyranitar (31 speed, 26+ IVs) Impish/Careful Sand Stream Hippowdon (26+ IVs) Modest Drizzle Pelipper (27+ IVs) Bold Drizzle Pelipper (27+ IVs) Timid Liquid Ooze Tentacruel (28+ IVs) Jolly Reckless Staraptor (31 speed, 28+ IVs) Jolly Dry Skin Toxicroak (31 speed, 26+ IVs) Jolly Rock Head Tyrantrum (31 speed, 26+ IVs) Modest Swift Swim Seismitoad (26+ IVs)
  9. Smooth trade. Thank you!
  10. Bump! I put everything I am specifically looking for in bold characters.
  11. If HP was as high as the other IVs, I would definitely buy it. :(
  12. Hey! I don't think it's much better than the one I have right now, although high speed is really nice. I would like to buy one that is much better than the one I have, but thank you!
  13. Hey! Thank you for posting, but I already have better and need even better than the one I have. Sorry!
  14. Bump! Bold Unaware Clefable and Bold Marvel Scale Milotic removed from the list.
  15. Insta.
  16. I'll insta for 5m. 5 CCs (1.875m) and 3.125m.
  17. Hey! Thank you for messaging me. I think I replied to you on Discord. I am looking for better, sorry!
  18. Bump! List updated!
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