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Everything posted by Jorogumo

  1. I'm from Silver server, but I'll start it if you don't mind.
  2. For me, BojacK's comment was made yesterday at 2:01 PM, and it is 12:56 PM now. Therefore, there should be 1 hour and 5 minutes left.
  3. 7.5m. Just to make sure, the auction ends 24 hours after BojacK's comment?
  4. Selling for 10m. Not accepting any other offers at the moment.
  5. Hey, thank you for posting. Sorry, that one has really low IVs for SpD. I already have a good one, but I'm looking for better.
  6. I would like to buy Torkoal.
  7. I'm sorry, but what is this? First of all, my PM was an offer to insta, so please take back the "c.o." I am obliged to report this thread as the insta was met BEFORE you upped it. Technically, my PM was not even an offer because you did not agree to it and I was asking a question. Pispi insta'd the Volcarona for me on the forum. The offer was made 8 hours ago, so you have to wait at least a while before trying to sell the Volcarona again. it is not like the buyer is trying to avoid you.
  8. Bump! Still looking for anything listed on page 1, but I am specifically searching for: 24+ Impish H.A. Chespin/Chesnaught. 24+ Quiet Magic Guard Solosis/Reuniclus (must have low speed). 24+ Timid H.A. HP Fire/Ground Vulpix-Alola. 24+ Bold/Calm H.A. HP Fire Foongus. 24+ Careful H.A. Drilbur/Excadrill. 24+ Timid Rotom. 30 speed, 20+ IVs Timid HP Fire Snivy/Serperior (40 to 50m depending on how much better the IVs are).
  9. I would like to buy the 300k Starmie and the 550k Xatu.
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