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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. [glow=red]BAN GENESECT[/glow] My reasons VVVVV Genesect BEATS Donphan Excadrill Tyranitar Hippo Garchomp Scizor Blissey Chansey Dragonites Hydregion Magnezone (if not scarfed) goodra Azumarill Clefable Most talonflames canot switch into this Alolmola Sableye Gliscor Politoad Mew Celibi Jirachi Togekiss Venu Amoongus Ferrothorn Tangrow Slowbro Crawdaunt Bisharp Starmie Gengar Dugtrio Gyarados breloom Weavile lucario Roseraid Skarmory Serpieror Cloyster Conkeldurr Crobat metagross Mamoswine Milotic Snorlax Tentacrul Sylveon Umbreon Espeon Jolteon Vaporeon Jellicent Gastrodon Lanturn Poliwrath Goth Ludicolo Kabutops Alakazam Staraptor Based off of our choice items it could do much worse to even legendarys Also without Team view to know that gen is even a thing on someone team and u lose ur only win condition it makes it even more bs to even allow this pvp. And one more thing on how hard it is to obtain such a pokemon say only liek 3 people on a server have one for a month u have legit 3 ppl breaking the ladder while u sit there and try and try and never get one You guys wanna test and allow such a pokemon well, this pokemon has been tested on offficial competitve sites and was banned so fast BC they know what it can do. This shouldnt even have a pole The core and spread that gen can do fire water steel bug ice elec legit destory any means of a grass water fire ground stall core Also this has crazy bulk with crazy speed enough to catch the slower AOA mons. theres really no answer to this!!! If you think a arcanine or talon flame can counter this *counter* think again even a full hp talon takes 30% from even a iron head on switch in so yes> if you all want this to roam free in pvp and u guys get shit genesects mean while u have god ones on the server and ur wondering why theyre destroying your whole team its bc u wanted to unban it. with a ability to download( raise a random attk or spattk stat on switch in) if ever coded 1 weakness Genesect need to be banned with no test at ALL. as for goth and blaze im not here to vote on them bc thats pointless. Pretty sure i dont need to post a trainer card i get on yellow ladder every season and was also on ladder of red for 2 seasons. And been part of this community for quite the amount of time. Ban ban ban Gen ban gen ban gen Blaze idc Goth idc <ban ples :joy:
  2. Bump :3
  3. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <r><URL url="https://discord.gg/rWDMg8p">https://discord.gg/rWDMg8p</URL> discord link</r>
  4. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <r><QUOTE author="Variation" post_id="399143" time="1497716208" user_id="657231"><s> </e></QUOTE> This will be a sd ou tier also if it's banned on sd obvi we can't use it xD</r>
  5. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <r><QUOTE author="JustLegend" post_id="399088" time="1497707769" user_id="8266"><s> </e></QUOTE> There will be a discord link tonight in around 6 hours from now.</r>
  6. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <t>Yes the 3 guilds will come to a conclusion to who is the best on their server. They dont necessarily have to be from only the 3 guilds xD</t>
  7. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <t>Thx guys just pm me in game here or discord about the members that will be participating. AND REMEMBER TOP 5 FROM EACH SERVER not GUILD >:D good luck ;3</t>
  8. Hell yeah this sounds awesome
  9. Move: Bugbite 60base, eats opps berries if holding any Problem; Does not get the tech boost as xsciz is outclassing its damage also it wont eat any berries..... fix fix fix fix fix fix fix
  10. make yellow great <3
  11. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs <t>this is just a sad form of breeding imo ( a way to get more money in) this is going to destroy the game inside and out being that people who have money to spend can just buy a shit ton of this and sooner then later build perfect pokes (Also shits on the economy on every server) gl implementing this its gunna be very very bad insted of coming up with things that will bring argument over the community how about doing things to help everyone. bye~</t>
  12. im ded rn
  13. Re: Move: Explosion = Bugged as hell <r><URL url="https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7anythinggoes-561406173"><LINK_TEXT text="https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7a ... -561406173">https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7anythinggoes-561406173</LINK_TEXT></URL> here is a replay on sd so it breaking through a sash shouldnt be (dont want a bulbapedia link)</r>
  14. https://sendvid.com/ujmcqcfr The move explosion is able to break through sturdy and sashes? This is not suppose to happen and it actually cost me a game lol. Please get this fixed ASAP
  15. beat me to it ;( Arena trap is not suppose to trap pokes with levitate or flying ;(
  16. Re: Protect is +3 priority and not +4 like it should be <t>Speed calcs shouldn't matter xD and it seems to be that they have it set as +3 but the one with most speed goes 1st lol this needs to be fixed</t>
  17. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    No problem
  18. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    I would chage foretress for ferrathron then try out garchomp or azumarill
  19. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    One more thing digglet is so common everyone gunna get 28+ivs jolly dugtrio like cmon lol be realistic
  20. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    I play enough showdown to know he needs to adjust his team a bit
  21. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    Blissey handles special rain sweeper pretty well and forretress with counter/EQ is enough for kabutops. I would run thunder wave over toxic too because u lack strong priority (e.g. paralysed Talonflame gets outspeed by magnezone) and toxic dmg is prolly to slow for your team Sand is handable because of forretress+Gyarados (intimidate) and if magnezone runs magnet rise over thunder wave. even if arena trap would work dugtrio (with 21+ hp iv's) cant switch into blissey's seismic toss if stealth rock is up. And without stealth rock u still deal 94% of dugtrios hp even so you don't have to switch into in lol let something die or what if it don't sies lol it twaves or something you need to add that and they will be all over pvp js once chasey goes rain sweeps everything and sand? rip garchomp ttar exca talon riprip
  22. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    252+ Atk Dugtrio Reversal (200 BP) vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 458-540 (71.3 - 84.1%) js b4 this happens a eq will def hit blissey even if u send it into a seistoss eq then revers its over but most the time will be a toxic or twave so its not just going to attack 1x
  23. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    And one more thing PRO wont have team view so running chansey or blissey would be dumb on everyones part bc they will be allowing digtrio with (reveral+arenatrap) so it would be a waste of a poke
  24. Xrevolutionx94

    My team plan

    I would rethink this team. 1st I would like to say rain and sand teams will sweep you bad ;( not just that but talon hurts your team real bad too... and these are all over each servers meta ;-;. Just something to think about :Shocked: :Frown:
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