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Everything posted by Aymi11

  1. buy shiny / xmas cottonee PRANKSTER ability only pm discord ---> xxKiritoxx#0433
  2. buying 13m shiny pangoro with x13 reroll ticket +3.9m money when u online bro?
  3. pm me in discord if u selling DISCROD = xxKiritoxx#0433
  4. sell all together total how much price?
  5. buy shiny parasect DEF nature pm if u selling
  6. hi im buy shiny huntail x6 nature rr + 1.4m~~~ when we gonna online trade?
  7. buy any event happiny with def nature and nature cure ability
  8. buying shiny skarmory sturdy pm me if u selling discord ----> xxKiritoxx#0433
  9. buy forrteress 320k pm if u on im at solaceon town pc
  10. wanna buy pink or shiny phanpy not evolve yet pm my discord xxKiritoxx#0433
  11. buy good aurorus if u selling pm show me in discord xxKiritoxx#0433
  12. @Polteageist hi can help force trade? seller fail to online
  13. @Phenomena ok i wait u in solaceon town pc in sinnoh
  14. @BingeDrinker hi when u gonna back from vacation? can tell me the time and date? since no mod is responding
  15. noted and MOD help force trade?
  16. @Haruyukio hi trade moderator my bid already end and i fail to contact the seller how?
  17. max spd timid magic guard alakazam hp ice, max spd jolly epic super luck absol can contact me discord xxKiritoxx#0433
  18. @BingeDrinker hey bro when u gonna online do the trade?
  19. @Eon the auction already more that 48 hour and i fail to contact the seller how?
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