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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. I mean you found a solution for your problem then, try to find a a comfortable GUI scaling, like not to big but still enough to fix the problem :P
  2. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay :3
  3. Hello georgepaul7, did you try to change your res or change the GUI scaling or even change the chat window?
  4. Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/ <r><QUOTE author="hidayatirja" post_id="372454" time="1491671491" user_id="1622813"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> check your forum pms :3</r>
  5. Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/ <r><QUOTE author="hidayatirja" post_id="372442" time="1491670876" user_id="1622813"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> ~We have a small questionnaire we would like you to fill out so we can get to know you better :3~<br/> \o It would be awesome if you include this in your application o/<br/> 1. What is your current play time?<br/> 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3<br/> 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO<br/> 4. What are your goals in pro?<br/> 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3<br/> EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord :O<br/> <br/> can you answer the questions? :)</r>
  6. Re: Main servs: Yellow <r><QUOTE author="ManuSan" post_id="372383" time="1491660878" user_id="709631"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Blue wasn't the main server for 6 months but it certainly is for quite some time and yellow sometimes drops under 200 players; so yeah totally agree with that, Blue has by far the most players right now.<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> Players or bots? I'd say comparing to red in real players we are pretty much same +/- bots.<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> I have no clue how many botters are on blue but on yellow a fair amount of them get banned like everyday. We still are still behind in players, just look at the forum trade-section of yellow; it's dead. <br/> <br/> Saturday, 10am in the US, 4pm in Europe and Asia around 10pm (not accurate of course)<br/> <br/> <LIST><s> </s><LI><s></s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>The PRO Red Server is online!<br/> Users Online: 527/1825<e></e></COLOR><br/> <br/> </LI><LI><s></s><COLOR color="#0000BF"><s></s>The PRO Blue Server is online!<br/> Users Online: 776/1825<e></e></COLOR><br/> <br/> </LI><LI><s></s><COLOR color="#BFBF00"><s></s>The PRO Yellow Server is online!<br/> Users Online: 376/1825<e></e></COLOR></LI><e></e></LIST></r>
  7. Timid or Jolly?
  8. ^visual my first response to this >
  9. Hello burnbabyburn, these are not the same stats.
  10. here is a guide for that :P How to Add Images/Photos to Forum Posts
  11. Re: Main servs: Yellow <r><QUOTE author="m0atz" post_id="372341" time="1491655317" user_id="1027733"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Blue wasn't the main server for 6 months but it certainly is for quite some time and yellow sometimes drops under 200 players; so yeah totally agree with that, Blue has by far the most players right now.</r>
  12. Hello BurnItDown, it would be better if you post a screenshot of the release message as well other than that you can't do much here; just wait for an admin to see this thread. :P out of the sticky
  13. Prehax

    Dear shane

    Hello Kurogan, this was request like at least a dozen times but it also covered in that sticky post.
  14. Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/ <t>bump ~</t>
  15. Re: Yellow Serv <r><QUOTE author="m0atz" post_id="372215" time="1491618485" user_id="1027733"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> a new player on yellow mentioned it, I will test it later to confirm this though<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Confirmed ?<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> nope, still blue</r>
  16. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <t>I guess thanks for the giveaway o/, share it again :)</t>
  17. Hello Lezak sadly in PRO Nincada only evolves in either one of these evolution's; meaning that you can only get Ninjask or Shedninja and not both together by one evolution
  18. Hello paparas18, check out this
  19. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Metagross/Gengar ♦ [reauction Gengar 4/7/17] <r>bump <E>:y:</E></r>
  20. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [bEST S Snorlax ~ 4/7/17] <r>bump <E>:y:</E></r>
  21. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [new ms price - 4/7/17] <r>bump <E>:y:</E></r>
  22. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 34 PVP ready Poke ♦ [NEW PRICES - 4/7/17] <r>bump <E>:y:</E></r>
  23. Welcome to the forums o/
  24. ^visual of that Video proof
  25. Might be lesser because its rate is 1/8129 iirc 1/8192 (0.01220703125%) but some boss rewards have a shiny chance of 1/1000 & 1/2000 as well as 1/4096
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