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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Re: NOVA Daycare- EV/LVL Sevice <t>I think your prices are generally a bit high for any standards, I normally pay 250k regardless of the level/ev status/pokemon and so forth.<br/> I would take your service if you go down with the price (250k each pokemon).<br/> <br/> I have two pokemon to train then :)</t>
  2. well he means every Kanto subway NPC not all just a few examples; someone should take a look at every NPC that is included in that transit pass; I think most of them are wrong
  3. well said, can only support this^ :)
  4. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Metagross/Omastar/Gengar ♦ [reauction Gengar 4/21/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  5. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [changed insta for chari/gyarados ~ 4/2/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  6. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [new prices - 4/2/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  7. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 37 PVP ready Poke ♦ [new prices - 4/2/17] <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/eIplwZu.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> sold and updated</r>
  8. maybe you overlooked it after my edit (done in 7days) I have around 2450~ hours and around 1500~ were used for hunting; I had way more than 200+ LVL 100 pokemon and still play around 150~ games each season it's all about RNG, some have it on their side and some don't, I used to get one "semi-epic to epic" once a day
  9. I had at least +15 with 5x +28iv's that I know of maybe I am rather lucky or you don't hunt enough just throw this in here (done in 7days)
  10. This bug is known since it hit the game, Shane is aware of it :)
  11. even if the IV's were 6x 15, the damage would fall just a few %, it's not much of a difference besides the "show off factor" Well, I have a 31 SPD Talonflame and it's oneshots other Talonflames, same for Gengar and other offensive pokes, so it's not just showoff. 1 point can decide a match. Sorry, I was talking about the damage factor, of course max speed is an important factor in a mirror match, and 1hp IV can also be more decide who wins and who doesnt. ;)
  12. YEA finally somebody who knows what to say and isnt like the others :Heart: . I mean you could quote me correctly too lul
  13. even if the IV's were 6x 15, the damage would fall just a few %, it's not much of a difference besides the "show off factor"
  14. I mean tournament winners should be allowed to use their legendary ones anyway and staff's should get rewards like you (obtainable pokemon with perfect IV's/Nature/Ability and shiny) with your talonflame; means that current staffs with "soon banned legendary"-pokemon get a new obtainable one with everything perfect set. (This is the only suggestion that would probably satisfy both parties) I am not a part of the staff team and never will but I still disagree with the ban; I am rather against a lot of things they do and already known for that but this ban is; well lets say; unnecessary.
  15. I value 6 months of staffwork over every hunting session you had to get a good pokemon; I had plenty of 6x +29 IV's pokemon in my time playing the actively the game (9. tier rarity included). Your point is simply invalid since you don't value 6months of work at all.
  16. I could destroy every single statement you made in your post but I won't since you are just wrong with almost everything.
  17. They can choose the IV's as well as the hiddenpower, ability and nature (EV's don't go further than 510) and they are restricted to the moves that are allowed in PVP, the Base Power is lower than 600 (Mew/Celebi/Jirachi have 600, Slaking has 670); so there is no big deal whatsoever (like the Goth. Shadowtag vote; salty red player all over the place; I play on yellow and never had a problem with such pokemon).
  18. 6months of work is nothing to you, helping the community,making the game what it is today; sorry but your arguments are invalid #edit fixed typo
  19. regardless of that; even if he dc's > he still broke the rules and can be punished (well if he dc'd I wouldn't report him though) well, report him only if you have that
  20. Hello GiveMeMana1, your friend is wrong; Tyranitar can learn Dragon Dance with the Eggmove tutor. Gen I and II have their movepools updated to Gen VI and all the other Gens have their movepools updated to Gen V; so Tyranitar is in Gen II take a look at this > Bulbapedia It learns Dragon Dance via the breeding system (so Eggmove tutor here) I also suggest using Bulbapedia as source. :)
  21. Why should they fix something that is supposed to work like that? source: Repel and Repel Trick
  22. it was always banned; all accuracy reducing moves were banned but there was never a list of what moves (but every move was included)
  23. Ralts 102 -> LVL 5 ralts sync, only encounter ralts if you use repels; not sure about others
  24. Quagsire in Dragons Den hold them, only in Dragons Den not Dragons Den B1F alright thanks man, thats what I thought but I wanted to make sure because some stuff in this game is weird :Nervous: like the hippopotas spawn in desert lagoon Items <- pretty accurate list
  25. Quagsire in Dragons Den hold them, only in Dragons Den not Dragons Den B1F
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