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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 74 PVP ready Poke (lvl+ev+moveset) ♦ [~60 around 200k/300k - 5/17/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  2. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [big overhaul/new prices - 5/17/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  3. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [snorlax/Noivern(18 pokemon inside) ~ 5/17/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  4. Flash Cannon in Valley of Steel Poison Jab in Safari Area 1 Kanto Wild Charge in Power Plant Defog in Violet School Dark Pulse in Ecruteak City Mt Silver lower mountainside stone edge tm teacher the list of current ones
  5. [mention]Liperibeiroz[/mention], [glow=grey]Valley of Steel[/glow]
  6. The PRO Red Server is online! Users Online: 328/1825 he PRO Blue Server is online! Users Online: 471/1825 The PRO Yellow Server is online! Users Online: 180/1825 yet yellow is not default and Red will be next patch. :n:
  7. Arnie is a god :Heart: :Smile: New move teachers so far (will update this as soon as there are new ones) example:
  8. [mention]han1996[/mention], I think only 2-3 per server got it this way. MMOs; WoW, FF XIV, Destiny (Kinda) as example for the other MMO's where you can grind for years and still don't get the things you want. It's unfair that it has a 750 minimal hours requirements for players without those hours. It's unfair that is has the dex requirements for the Celebi quest for players without the dex stuff. I could go on and on but Nathan pretty much explained it "I mean, if you don't like grinding, waiting for cooldowns or getting unlucky; an MMO isn't the place you should be spending your time."
  9. Prehax

    PC storage

    +1, I hate my box in PRO
  10. Prehax

    PRO Wiki.

    [mention]Catillian[/mention], can you explain that further please? We don't put intentionally any bugs/wrong information in there :P
  11. [mention]zonamarelarap[/mention], yes if you have MS otherwise no; I explained that already to you. :P
  12. [mention]zonamarelarap[/mention], that won't change, you can't expect a Legendary pokemon (if it's already easy to get just by a boss) be non-ms if it's sooooo easy to get and FARMABLE. The Phione can spawn everytime you fight vs the boss, so you can easily get more than just one. It is for people who donate and keep the game alive.
  13. +1, traded earlier for like 3hours to get items from someone.. please
  14. Hello [mention]Akei[/mention]; what happened here is easy to explain, first of all you disconnected in a battle which means the game will teleport you back to the last pokemoncenter you visited, not much you can do about it. Disconnects and Servercrashes happen but the second part is easily avoidable next time. If you disconnect and log-in again and try to "load" a new map (e.g Safari Zone) the game gets stuck in the black loadingscreen. You can avoid that by just restarting the client and login back. :P Enjoy your game! :Smile: The topic is generally covered in here --> READ THIS BEFORE MAKING GENERAL SUPPORT TOPIC!
  15. +1, not sure if it's fixable though
  16. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 33 PVP ready Poke ♦ [75% costs around 300/400k - 5/12/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  17. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [snorlax/Noivern(18 pokemon inside) ~ 5/16/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  18. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Miltank/Sceptile/ ♦ [lower insta 5/16/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  19. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [big overhaul/new prices - 5/16/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  20. [mention]Unknown007[/mention], sorry my bad, it's the Prof. Oak boss NPC in Cinnbar Lab
  21. Hello [mention]Haixe[/mention], wait 24 hours if the coins are still not on your account by then, please do post the whole process here --> Donation Issues
  22. [mention]Anduin[/mention], honestly Shane is wrong; I clearly showed that Yellow deserves the default server status and we were supposed to be default server 3 months ago. I can't tell Shane to do it but everyone with two eyes can see that if you don't then either you are just ignorant or way too selfish (not aimed at you Anduin, rather at everyone who thinks yellow doesn't deserve the default status). I already told that Arnie in PMs that yellow is treated like it's non existent and it really blows my mind, PRO has 3 servers and not just Red and Blue. The list goes from 0 staff presence a few weeks ago to not making announcement on yellow and such things; it's sad to see and I am tired of staffs thinking that yellow was just a mistake or "sadly irreversible" (staff quote). Yellow deserves the default status, no doubts about that. The suggestion won't solve the problem we have on yellow, sadly.
  23. @z[mention]zwinka25[/mention], I yet have to understand what the problem is, you can't connect after following all steps? Are you sure you have internet connection?
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