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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Re: Compact Boss Guide <t>[mention]Starlight[/mention], I hope so but Arnie said it was previously not obtainable and Kling was oo</t>
  2. Re: Compact Boss Guide <t>[mention]Jingos[/mention], will keep posting updates here ;)</t>
  3. [mention]madara2autumn[/mention]; I just tested it on two accounts [glow=green]50% MS boost, 25% Top10 PVP guild boost, 5% for 50+ members boost[/glow] [glow=red]zero boosts [/glow] The [glow=green]first account[/glow] got around 215~ XP from level 12/13 Tentacools while the [glow=red]second account[/glow] got less than the half of that, with around 95~ XP from the same pokemon. I fought with a level 95 Porygon against the Tentacools in Vermilion City.
  4. Re: Compact Boss Guide <r>[mention]GhosticboyPl[/mention] it was changed as Arnie already announced that he is gonna do that --><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/eKubeM9.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. Hello [mention]TzRekJad[/mention], it's basically up to Shane and the staffs if they want to implement it or not, same goes for the IV rerolls. I honestly hope that it comes but at this point we simply don't know. :Smile: I am just gonna quote Red on those things --> source: Red clarifying a bunch of stuff
  6. bump~ still looking :Smile:
  7. Enjoy your new journey o/
  8. [mention]Haxorussss[/mention] & [mention]Starlight[/mention] Thanks, I added all the moves to the first response in this thread. :P
  9. Re: Compact Boss Guide <r>[mention]Jingos[/mention]<br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  10. [mention]zedsouth[/mention], you are simply reading what you want to read. It was stated more than enough that nobody is abandoning this game, not Shane nor any of the staffs. The new game is Shane's new project and has as also stated a few times NOTHING to do with PRO at all. The game itself will survive as long as PRO can pay the servers of the donations. The yellow server was necessary duo to too many players back in Summer 2016. The content for PRO doesn't stop, Sinnoh is being worked on and new stuff will come. Arnie just recently came back as a Staff and since then he brought us multiple new bosses (more to follow), the Johto Dogs, a new legendary, a ton of new TM moves and so forth. Shane had almost nothing to do with it. The new game from Shane, is something else, something new and yes players will switch BUT this won't happen for another year.
  11. Re: Compact Boss Guide <r>[mention]Jingos[/mention] <br/> <br/> Sevii Islands is in general a MS area so you won't be able to fight the boss without MS anyway, so "MS reward" is pointless <br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  12. I am sad to see you leaving x.x Good luck for whatever comes next. :)
  13. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [snorlax/Noivern(16 pokemon inside) ~ 5/22/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  14. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Miltank/Sceptile/ ♦ [lower insta 5/22/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  15. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 71 PVP ready Poke (lvl+ev+moveset)/41 untrained 20k-50k each ♦ [~60 around 200k/300k - 5/22/17] <t>bump~~</t>
  16. Hello [mention]PLNovoxy[/mention], there is nothing you can do about it sadly. You have to train another one. :(
  17. Re: Compact Boss Guide <r>[mention]Jingos[/mention]<br/> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>OLD<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>NEW<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  18. [mention]xdiamont[/mention], sure you are talking about Love Island and not Pinkan Island, if you start the Pinkan island quest; all your pokeballs are locked away till you finish the quest/talk to the NPC again. :P
  19. Hey :heart:
  20. Welcome o/
  21. [mention]mangkitw[/mention], the new game won't be around for another year and no the development on PRO doesn't stop only because Shane works on a new game.
  22. Hello [mention]9thGymLeader[/mention], you can sell them in Ruins of Alph (Johto), in the route before Mossdeep (Hoenn) and in Route 25 (Kanto), those are special NPC's to sell special items like nuggets and stardust. :P
  23. [mention]kill3rrrr[/mention], Boomburst isn't a Tutor/TM. I am not sure if the other two are worth adding. :P [mention]WITTMAN[/mention], Phione spawns after you win versus the Boss in Sevii Islands 2 (14%~ chance to spawn everytime you beat him )
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